Mahogany Antique Writing Boxes

Found 86 For Sale and Sold    ( 17 for sale  69 sold )  
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VERY RARE Georgian Duplicating – Writing Box. £3400 $4382.94   €4051.78 VERY RARE Georgian Duplicating – Writing Box. Antique Boxes And Collectables Georgian Solid Mahogany Triple Fold Writing Box. £385 $496.3   €458.8 Georgian Solid Mahogany Triple Fold Writing Box. Antique Boxes And Collectables Victorian Country House Correspondence Letter Box£195 $251.37   €232.38 Victorian Country House Correspondence Letter BoxAntique Furniture Direct Campaign Writing Slope Stationery Lap Desk Box£225 $290.05   €268.13 Campaign Writing Slope Stationery Lap Desk BoxHashtag Curios
Writing Slope Lap Desk Box Elgin Coulant Office 1875£225 $290.05   €268.13 Writing Slope Lap Desk Box Elgin Coulant Office 1875Hashtag Curios Antique Officers Campaign Correspondence Box£1695 $2185.02   €2019.93 Antique Officer's Campaign Correspondence BoxLondon Fine Antiques Military Campaign Writing Box / Slope£645.00 $831.47   €768.65 Military Campaign Writing Box / SlopeSunnyside Antiques Georgian Combination Writing, Reading &Travel Box£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Georgian Combination Writing, Reading &Travel BoxBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds)
Early Victorian Mahogany Brassed Writing Slope£495 $638.1   €589.89 Early Victorian Mahogany Brassed Writing SlopeThe Dorking Desk Shop 19thC Mahogany Writing Box, With Slope And Drawers£370 $476.97   €440.93 19thC Mahogany Writing Box, With Slope And DrawersLimited Editions Fine Quality Antique Mahogany Stationary Box£1125 $1450.24   €1340.66 Fine Quality Antique Mahogany Stationary BoxRebecca Sarah Antiques Lovely Victorian Mahogany Writing Slope.£190 $244.93   €226.42 Lovely Victorian Mahogany Writing Slope.The Dorking Desk Shop
Stunning George 111, Mahogany Writing Slope£950 $1224.65   €1132.12 Stunning George 111, Mahogany Writing SlopeThe Dorking Desk Shop A Superb Inlaid Mahogany Stationery Cabinet£515 $663.89   €613.73 A Superb Inlaid Mahogany Stationery CabinetThe Dorking Desk Shop Georgian Mahogany Writing Slope£490.00 $631.66   €583.93 Georgian Mahogany Writing SlopeBorder Antiques A Superb Inlaid Mahogany Drop Front Stationery/wri£490 $631.66   €583.93 A Superb Inlaid Mahogany Drop Front Stationery/wriThe Dorking Desk Shop
19th Century Mahogany Writing Slope£265 $341.61   €315.8 19th Century Mahogany Writing SlopeMichael Allcroft Antiques Fine Victorian Carved Walnut Glazed Letter Box  Fine Victorian Carved Walnut Glazed Letter BoxHarrington Antiques Finest Quality 18th Century Campaign Writing Slope  Finest Quality 18th Century Campaign Writing SlopeMalcolm Eglin Antiques Antique Travelling Writing Slope, English£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Antique Travelling Writing Slope, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques
Georgian Mahogany Storage Box  Georgian Mahogany Storage BoxSinclairs Antiques And Interiors 19th Century Mahogany Campaign Writing Slope  19th Century Mahogany Campaign Writing SlopeHarrington Antiques Quality Antique Victorian Mahogany Writing Box £435 $560.76   €518.39 Quality Antique Victorian Mahogany Writing Box Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Country House Table Top Letter Box£495 $638.1   €589.89 Country House Table Top Letter BoxAntiques & Chic
1920s Antique Rolex Jewellery Box £315 $406.07   €375.39 1920's Antique Rolex Jewellery Box D And A Binder Ltd 19thC Inlaid Mahogany Drop Front Stationary Box  19thC Inlaid Mahogany Drop Front Stationary BoxHarrington Antiques Antique George III Mahogany Writing Box £745 $960.38   €887.82 Antique George III Mahogany Writing Box London City Antiques  Victorian Brass Bound Rosewood Writting Box£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Victorian Brass Bound Rosewood Writting BoxLondon City Antiques
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