Pine Antique Folk Art

Found 134 For Sale and Sold    ( 23 for sale  111 sold )  
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Rustic Painted Folk Art Wall Shelf With Drawers  Rustic Painted Folk Art Wall Shelf With DrawersElmgarden Primitive Rare Childs Cot Or Crib Pine C1850£295 $371.91   €354.86 Primitive Rare Child's Cot Or Crib Pine C1850Cloverleaf Home Interiors Rare Artist Lay Figure Victorian Pine C1890£295 $371.91   €354.86 Rare Artist Lay Figure Victorian Pine C1890Cloverleaf Home Interiors Box Chest Coffer Painted Pine Norwegian Dated 1912£795 $1002.26   €956.31 Box Chest Coffer Painted Pine Norwegian Dated 1912Cloverleaf Home Interiors
Chest Rare Norwegian Folk Art Miniature Marriage Chest£385 $485.37   €463.12 Chest Rare Norwegian Folk Art Miniature Marriage ChestCloverleaf Home Interiors Vintage Rustic Pine Folk Art Wall Shelf With Drawer  Vintage Rustic Pine Folk Art Wall Shelf With DrawerElmgarden Primitive Welsh Cawl Spoon Rack C1860  Primitive Welsh Cawl Spoon Rack C1860Welsh Vernacular Antiques Chest Of Drawers Good Primitive Folk Art Miniature£195 $245.84   €234.57 Chest Of Drawers Good Primitive Folk Art MiniatureCloverleaf Home Interiors
Chest Very Rare Miniature Swedish Marriage Chest £395 $497.98   €475.15 Chest Very Rare Miniature Swedish Marriage Chest Cloverleaf Home Interiors Great Pair Of "Folk Art" Canon Bookends£175 $220.62   €210.51 Great Pair Of "Folk Art" Canon BookendsCarse Antiques Cupboard Pantry Or Wardrobe European C1850£1650 $2080.16   €1984.79 Cupboard Pantry Or Wardrobe European C1850Cloverleaf Home Interiors Early Folk Art Spoon Rack With Original Spoons  Early Folk Art Spoon Rack With Original SpoonsDaryl Yeates Antiques
Folk Art Hand Carved Wood Loving Box Cabinet£160 $201.71   €192.46 Folk Art Hand Carved Wood Loving Box CabinetFrogabilia ANTIQUE SWEDISH MORA CLOCK BLUE FLOWERS 1800s  ANTIQUE SWEDISH MORA CLOCK BLUE FLOWERS 1800sSwedish Interior Design Welsh Folk Art£495 $624.05   €595.44 Welsh Folk ArtMouse House Antiques Rare 19thC Primitive Treen Wool Or Silk Winder  Rare 19thC Primitive Treen Wool Or Silk WinderWelsh Vernacular Antiques
Antique Swedish Folk Art Iron Handle Pine Bucket£195 $245.84   €234.57 Antique Swedish Folk Art Iron Handle Pine BucketRetropolis Antiques & Vintage 19th C, Swedish Folk Art Iron Bound Travel Trunk.  19th C, Swedish Folk Art Iron Bound Travel Trunk.M&G Basset Pine And Decorative Items Folk Art Noahs Ark Victorian C1890£1250 $1575.88   €1503.63 Folk Art Noah's Ark Victorian C1890Cloverleaf Home Interiors Antique Miniature Dresser  Antique Miniature DresserDaryl Yeates Antiques
Folk Art Weather House£695 $876.19   €836.02 Folk Art Weather HouseMouse House Antiques Large Folk Art Painted Chest  Large Folk Art Painted ChestElmgarden Noahs Ark Rare Folk Art Victorian Ark And Figures £895 $1128.33   €1076.6 Noahs Ark Rare Folk Art Victorian Ark And Figures Cloverleaf Home Interiors Dolls House Rare 19th C Danish Folk Art Dated 1885£695 $876.19   €836.02 Dolls House Rare 19th C Danish Folk Art Dated 1885Cloverleaf Home Interiors
Late Victorian Decoy Duck£160.00 $201.71   €192.46 Late Victorian Decoy DuckLemon Tree Antiques Antique Mora Clock Swedish Biedermeier 208cm  Antique Mora Clock Swedish Biedermeier 208cmSwedish Interior Design Early Swedish Folk Art Chest£400 $504.28   €481.16 Early Swedish Folk Art ChestSussex Antiques And Interiors 19thC Welsh Pine Folk Art Wine Table Candle Stand  19thC Welsh Pine Folk Art Wine Table Candle StandWelsh Vernacular Antiques
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