Antique Binoculars, Telescopes and Opera Glasses

Found 567 For Sale and Sold    ( 73 for sale  494 sold )  
Large Single Draw Marine Telescope By Edward Dixey  Large Single Draw Marine Telescope By Edward DixeyJason Clarke Antiques 3 Draw 1928 Brass & Leather Ships Naval Telescope£165 $212.7   €196.63 3 Draw 1928 Brass & Leather Ships Naval TelescopeNautical Bygones WW1 Binoculars And Case - Singed And Dated 1916  WW1 Binoculars And Case - Singed And Dated 1916Puckerings Antiques French Brass And Mother Of Pearl Opera Glasses  French Brass And Mother Of Pearl Opera GlassesKingsdown Antiques
Pair Antique English Military Issue Binoculars   Pair Antique English Military Issue Binoculars Puckerings Antiques Binoculars By Lawrence And Mayo - With Compass  Binoculars By Lawrence And Mayo - With CompassPuckerings Antiques Antique Telescope, Three Draw Pocket Refractor £395 $509.19   €470.72 Antique Telescope, Three Draw Pocket Refractor London Fine Antiques WWI Becks Trench Periscope  WWI Becks Trench PeriscopeHawthornes Antiques
Antique Telescope, Two Draw, Mahogany, Brass. £695 $895.92   €828.23 Antique Telescope, Two Draw, Mahogany, Brass. London Fine Antiques Antique Telescope, Three Draw Terrestrial, £895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Antique Telescope, Three Draw Terrestrial, London Fine Antiques Single Draw Day Or Night Telescope By Dollond  Single Draw Day Or Night Telescope By DollondJason Clarke Antiques Antique French Opera Glasses Signed LeMaire, Paris  Antique French Opera Glasses Signed LeMaire, ParisPuckerings Antiques
Deer Stalking Pocket Telescope By Armstrong£145 $186.92   €172.8 Deer Stalking Pocket Telescope By ArmstrongCarse Antiques Antique Telescope, Single Draw Officer £595 $767.01   €709.06 Antique Telescope, Single Draw Officer London Fine Antiques Antique Telescope, Three Draw, Mahogany, Brass. £595 $767.01   €709.06 Antique Telescope, Three Draw, Mahogany, Brass. London Fine Antiques Paris Jockey Club Horse Racing Binoculars£67 $86.37   €79.84 Paris Jockey Club Horse Racing BinocularsCarse Antiques
Antique Telescope, English, Single Draw Refractor,£695 $895.92   €828.23 Antique Telescope, English, Single Draw Refractor,London Fine Antiques Antique Telescope, Dollond London, Terrestrial £795 $1024.83   €947.4 Antique Telescope, Dollond London, Terrestrial London Fine Antiques Antique Telescope, A Franks Ltd, Manchester, £475 $612.32   €566.06 Antique Telescope, A Franks Ltd, Manchester, London Fine Antiques Antique Telescope, Dollond Day Or Night £895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Antique Telescope, Dollond 'Day Or Night' London Fine Antiques
Pair Of English Bone & Brass Opera Glasses  Pair Of English Bone & Brass Opera GlassesKingsdown Antiques Mid-Eighteenth Century Pasteboard Telescope  Mid-Eighteenth Century Pasteboard TelescopeJason Clarke Antiques Art Deco Silver Opera Glasses In Leather Case.£295 $380.28   €351.55 Art Deco Silver Opera Glasses In Leather Case.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Triple Optic Binoculars - Marine / Theatre / Field  Triple Optic Binoculars - Marine / Theatre / FieldPuckerings Antiques
Antique Telescope, Three Draw Refractor, English, £895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Antique Telescope, Three Draw Refractor, English, London Fine Antiques Antique Telescope, Three Draw Refractor, English, £650 $837.92   €774.61 Antique Telescope, Three Draw Refractor, English, London Fine Antiques French Brass Gilt Opera Glasses, Circa 1900  French Brass Gilt Opera Glasses, Circa 1900Kingsdown Antiques Pair Pocket Binoculars With Compass - Lynx  Pair Pocket Binoculars With Compass - LynxPuckerings Antiques