Antique Wall Racks

Found 145 For Sale and Sold    ( 25 for sale  120 sold )  
Pair Antique French Horn Hanging / Gun Racks£200 $258.92   €236.96 Pair Antique French Horn Hanging / Gun RacksPyrontique Georgian Delf Rack In Oak£440 $569.62   €521.31 Georgian Delf Rack In OakWickersley Antiques Bentwood Hat Rack  Bentwood Hat RackArt Furniture Pair Of Bentwood Wall Mounted Hat Racks  Pair Of Bentwood Wall Mounted Hat RacksArt Furniture
Two  Mahogany Victorian Coat Racks£120 $155.35   €142.18 Two Mahogany Victorian Coat RacksEveritt And Rogers Limited Small Oak Wall Shelves Or Plate Rack.£325 $420.75   €385.06 Small Oak Wall Shelves Or Plate Rack.Malcolm Eglin Antiques Large 18th Century Oak Hanging Rack£980 $1268.71   €1161.1 Large 18th Century Oak Hanging RackMartlesham Antiques 18th Century Oak Hanging Rack£420 $543.73   €497.62 18th Century Oak Hanging RackMartlesham Antiques
18th Century Oak Hanging Rack£420 $543.73   €497.62 18th Century Oak Hanging RackMartlesham Antiques 18th Century Oak Hanging Rack£420 $543.73   €497.62 18th Century Oak Hanging RackMartlesham Antiques Large French Art & Crafts Golden Oak Clothes Rail  Large French Art & Crafts Golden Oak Clothes RailElmgarden Rare Black Forest Hare / Rabbit Wall Rack C.1890  Rare Black Forest Hare / Rabbit Wall Rack C.1890Puckerings Antiques
Oak Delft Plate Rack£390 $504.89   €462.07 Oak Delft Plate RackMichael Armson Antiques Ltd Georgian Antique Period Oak Delft Wall Rack   Georgian Antique Period Oak Delft Wall Rack Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Tall Gothic Oak Figure Niche C.1900.£495 $640.83   €586.48 Tall Gothic Oak Figure Niche C.1900.Collinge Antiques Antique Oak Spice Rack£175 $226.56   €207.34 Antique Oak Spice RackCourtyard Antiques
Pine Display Rack With Spice Drawers C.1860.£595 $770.29   €704.96 Pine Display Rack With Spice Drawers C.1860.Collinge Antiques Antique Wall Hanging Shelves. U55  Antique Wall Hanging Shelves. U55Prichard Antiques Art Nouveau Animal Horn Hat Rack C.1905.£795 $1029.21   €941.92 Art Nouveau Animal Horn Hat Rack C.1905.Collinge Antiques Pine Wall Dresser Rack£265 $343.07   €313.97 Pine Wall Dresser RackCourtyard Antiques
Good Georgian Mahogany Spice Rack£135 $174.77   €159.95 Good Georgian Mahogany Spice RackCarse Antiques Antique Plate Rack / Hanging Wall Shelves  Antique Plate Rack / Hanging Wall ShelvesThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge 18thc Oak Delft Rack  18thc Oak Delft RackPiers Pisani Antiques Antique Carved Oak Armorial Wall Shelf   Antique Carved Oak Armorial Wall Shelf Eras Of Style
Georgian Antique Oak Spoon Rack.  Georgian Antique Oak Spoon Rack.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Arts & Crafts Shapland & Petter Coat Rack  Arts & Crafts Shapland & Petter Coat RackRed House Antiques Gorgeous 19thC Painted Mug Rack  Gorgeous 19thC Painted Mug RackWelsh Vernacular Furniture Mahogany Spoon Rack£175 $226.56   €207.34 Mahogany Spoon RackCourtyard Antiques