Antique Easels

Found 226 For Sale and Sold    ( 23 for sale  203 sold )  
Oak Artist’s Adjustable Studio Easel  Oak Artist’s Adjustable Studio EaselShackladys Antiques Walnut Display Easel C.1930£695 $856.52   €823.71 Walnut Display Easel C.1930Collinge Antiques Oak Double Sided Artist’s Fully Adjustable Studio   Oak Double Sided Artist’s Fully Adjustable Studio Shackladys Antiques Antique Artists Easel, English, Oak, Adjustable£1295 $1595.96   €1534.83 Antique Artist's Easel, English, Oak, AdjustableLondon Fine Antiques
Windsor And Newton Easel  Windsor And Newton EaselShackladys Antiques Walnut Artist’s Fully Adjustable Studio Easel  Walnut Artist’s Fully Adjustable Studio EaselShackladys Antiques Large 8 Foot Antique Adjustable Artists Easel£1750 $2156.7   €2074.1 Large 8 Foot Antique Adjustable Artist's EaselLondon Fine Antiques A Fine Clifford Milburn Painters Articulated Easel  A Fine Clifford Milburn Painters Articulated EaselPaul Hardy Antiques
Late 19thC Mahogany Easel In The Rococo Style£1250 $1540.5   €1481.5 Late 19thC Mahogany Easel In The Rococo StyleChurch Street Antiques Early C20th Artists Easel£640 $788.74   €758.53 Early C20th Artists EaselJonathan Drake Antique And Decorative Adjustable Easel C1920 By Reeves  Adjustable Easel C1920 By ReevesKadensek And Ward Antique Hatherley Easel  Antique Hatherley EaselKadensek And Ward
Rare Artists Tabletop Easel Carry Handle & Drawer£450 $554.58   €533.34 Rare Artists Tabletop Easel Carry Handle & DrawerCheshire Antiques Consultant George V Winsor & Newton Beech Artists Easel  George V Winsor & Newton Beech Artists EaselYola Gray Antiques Travelling Artists Easel  Travelling Artists EaselWilliam James Antiques And Interiors Travelling Artists Easel  Travelling Artists' EaselKadensek And Ward
Oak Artist’s Adjustable Studio Easel  Oak Artist’s Adjustable Studio EaselShackladys Antiques Antique Artists Easel, English, Picture Stand£985 $1213.91   €1167.42 Antique Artist's Easel, English, Picture StandLondon Fine Antiques Oak Artist’s Fully Adjustable Studio Easel  Oak Artist’s Fully Adjustable Studio EaselShackladys Antiques Pine Artist’s Adjustable Studio Easel  Pine Artist’s Adjustable Studio EaselShackladys Antiques
19th Century Artist’s Easel   19th Century Artist’s Easel Shackladys Antiques Large English 19th Cent Antique Oak Artists Easel   Large English 19th Cent Antique Oak Artists Easel Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Pine Artist’s Adjustable Studio Easel  Pine Artist’s Adjustable Studio EaselShackladys Antiques Oak Artist’s Adjustable Studio Easel  Oak Artist’s Adjustable Studio EaselShackladys Antiques
Large English 19th Cent Antique Oak Artists Easel  Large English 19th Cent Antique Oak Artists EaselMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Edwardian Adjustable Easel  Edwardian Adjustable EaselElmgarden Beech Portable Folding Easel.  Beech Portable Folding Easel.Elmgarden Large Antique English Edwardian Oak Artists Easel  Large Antique English Edwardian Oak Artists EaselYola Gray Antiques