Antique Sofas

Found 4046 For Sale and Sold    ( 521 for sale  3525 sold )  
Stunning Antique Mahogany Window Seat Stool  Stunning Antique Mahogany Window Seat StoolJohn Howkins Antiques Large Victorian Carved Rosewood Settee£1695 $2088.92   €2008.91 Large Victorian Carved Rosewood SetteeCamden Antiques Small Victorian Leather Chesterfield£1200 $1478.88   €1422.24 Small Victorian Leather ChesterfieldArundel Decorative 19th Century French Giltwood Settee£895 $1103   €1060.75 19th Century French Giltwood SetteeCamden Antiques
19th Century English Howard Style Sofa£3600 $4436.64   €4266.72 19th Century English 'Howard Style' SofaLee Wright Antiques And Interiors Victorian Mahogany Inlaid Lounge Suite  Victorian Mahogany Inlaid Lounge SuiteFB Antiques Superb French Painted Sofa£1295 $1595.96   €1534.83 Superb French Painted SofaFernyhough Antiques Large 20c 3-seater Leather Chesterfield£3600 $4436.64   €4266.72 Large 20c 3-seater Leather ChesterfieldAnthony Short Antiques Ltd
Good Quality 2 Seat Sofa £595.00 $733.28   €705.19 Good Quality 2 Seat Sofa Athey Antiques Chinese Hongmu Window Seat  Chinese Hongmu Window SeatJohn Howkins Antiques Antique French Sofa Chaise Longue£565 $696.31   €669.64 Antique French Sofa Chaise LongueHarmony Antiques Antique French Sofa For Re-upholstery£565 $696.31   €669.64 Antique French Sofa For Re-upholsteryHarmony Antiques
Antique French Day Bed Chaise Longue£595 $733.28   €705.19 Antique French Day Bed Chaise LongueHarmony Antiques Charles II Style Gilded Walnut Humpback Sofa£2250 $2772.9   €2666.7 Charles II Style Gilded Walnut Humpback SofaGeorgian Antiques Good Quality Victorian Sofa In The French Taste£1250 $1540.5   €1481.5 Good Quality Victorian Sofa In The French TasteRams Head Antiques Antique Walnut And Gilt Petite Settee Chair  Antique Walnut And Gilt Petite Settee ChairDavid Wolfenden Antiques
Carved Rosewood Couch C.1870£595 $733.28   €705.19 Carved Rosewood Couch C.1870Collinge Antiques Large William IV Country House Sofa  Large William IV Country House SofaWilliam James Antiques And Interiors William IV Ottoman Chaise Longue C.1835£595 $733.28   €705.19 William IV Ottoman Chaise Longue C.1835Collinge Antiques Large 19th Century English Oak Sofa£3200 $3943.68   €3792.64 Large 19th Century English Oak SofaLee Wright Antiques And Interiors
Pretty Victorian Upholstered Drop End Settee£995 $1226.24   €1179.27 Pretty Victorian Upholstered Drop End SetteePhilip Hunt Antiques Regency Style Mahogany Settee  Regency Style Mahogany SetteeShackladys Antiques Large Regency Brass Inlaid Scroll End Sofa£2250 $2772.9   €2666.7 Large Regency Brass Inlaid Scroll End SofaCarse Antiques  Late 19thC Limed Mahogany Two Seater Settee£1850 $2279.94   €2192.62 Late 19thC Limed Mahogany Two Seater SetteeChurch Street Antiques
Unusual Victorian Ebonised Conversation Seat With £850 $1047.54   €1007.42 Unusual Victorian Ebonised Conversation Seat With E.W. Cousins And Son Antiques Oak Bench, Sofa Table, Window Seat. £645 $794.9   €764.45 Oak Bench, Sofa Table, Window Seat. Antiques & Chic Buttoned Ticking Stripe Window Seat And Footstool£895 $1103   €1060.75 Buttoned Ticking Stripe Window Seat And FootstoolTom Scott Antiques Small Sofa / Window Seat£550.00 $677.82   €651.86 Small Sofa / Window SeatAthey Antiques