Antique Pedestal Desks

Found 1580 For Sale and Sold    ( 204 for sale  1376 sold )  
Solid Mahogany Pedestal Desk£1495 $1852.31   €1795.64 Solid Mahogany Pedestal DeskFernyhough Antiques Victorian Mahogany Pedestal Desk£895 $1108.91   €1074.98 Victorian Mahogany Pedestal DeskFernyhough Antiques Pedestal Desk With Red Leather Top.£745 $923.06   €894.82 Pedestal Desk With Red Leather Top.Antiques & Chic Fine French, Faded Mahogany, Pedestal Desk £2100 $2601.9   €2522.31 Fine French, Faded Mahogany, Pedestal Desk The Dorking Desk Shop
Rosewood Pedestal Desk£3450 $4274.55   €4143.8 Rosewood Pedestal DeskShackladys Antiques Georgian Style Walnut Desk£2350 $2911.65   €2822.59 Georgian Style Walnut DeskGeorgian Antiques Arts And Crafts Dest In ASH.£465 $576.14   €558.51 Arts And Crafts Dest In ASH.Cavers Antiques Victorian Oak Pedestal Desk£995 $1232.81   €1195.09 Victorian Oak Pedestal DeskFernyhough Antiques
Mahogany Pedestal Desk£895 $1108.91   €1074.98 Mahogany Pedestal DeskFernyhough Antiques Victorian Golden Oak & Leather Pedestal Desk £1495 $1852.31   €1795.64 Victorian Golden Oak & Leather Pedestal Desk Yola Gray Antiques Fine Victorian Walnut Maples Pedestal Desk£2450 $3035.55   €2942.7 Fine Victorian Walnut 'Maples' Pedestal DeskThe Dorking Desk Shop Fine Victorian Mahogany Pedestal Partners Desk£3900 $4832.1   €4684.29 Fine Victorian Mahogany Pedestal Partners DeskThe Dorking Desk Shop
George III Mahogany Desk£2750 $3407.25   €3303.03 George III Mahogany DeskFB Antiques Top Quality Victorian Mahogany Pedestal Desk£1650 $2044.35   €1981.82 Top Quality Victorian Mahogany Pedestal DeskJohn Howkins Antiques Restored 1880 Dutch Twin Pedestal Partner Desk£15000 $18585   €18016.5 Restored 1880 Dutch Twin Pedestal Partner DeskWimbledon Furniture Ltd A Mahogany Pedestal Desk £950 $1177.05   €1141.05 A Mahogany Pedestal Desk Beech And Springs
Victorian Burr Walnut & Leather Twin Pedestal Desk£4500 $5575.5   €5404.95 Victorian Burr Walnut & Leather Twin Pedestal DeskWimbledon Furniture Ltd Victorian Mahogany Marble Top Desk£350 $433.65   €420.39 Victorian Mahogany Marble Top DeskYew Tree Antiques Warehouse Antique Ladies Morning Room Desk, English, Writing£3950 $4894.05   €4744.35 Antique Ladies Morning Room Desk, English, WritingLondon Fine Antiques Victorian Well Proportioned Oak Pedestal Desk£2350 $2911.65   €2822.59 Victorian Well Proportioned Oak Pedestal DeskThe Dorking Desk Shop
Maple & Co Mahogany Pedestal Desk£2850 $3531.15   €3423.14 Maple & Co Mahogany Pedestal DeskNimbus Antiques Victorian Mahogany Pedestal Desk£1050 $1300.95   €1261.16 Victorian Mahogany Pedestal DeskPhilip Hunt Antiques Large Mahogany Pedestal Desk, Brass Handles£895 $1108.91   €1074.98 Large Mahogany Pedestal Desk, Brass HandlesAntiques & Chic Victorian Inlaid Satin Walnut Twin Pedestal Desk£1495.00 $1852.31   €1795.64 Victorian Inlaid Satin Walnut Twin Pedestal DeskPrior And Willis Antiques
Pretty Victorian Walnut Pedestal Desk.£750 $929.25   €900.83 Pretty Victorian Walnut Pedestal Desk.The Dorking Desk Shop Well Made Late Victorian Mahogany Pedestal Desk£1550 $1920.45   €1861.71 Well Made Late Victorian Mahogany Pedestal DeskThe Dorking Desk Shop Antique Mahogany Pedestal Writing Desk£1150 $1424.85   €1381.27 Antique Mahogany Pedestal Writing DeskThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Circa 1830-1850 James Winter & SonsDesk£5000 $6195   €6005.5 Circa 1830-1850 James Winter & SonsDeskWimbledon Furniture Ltd