Antique Sideboards

Found 4466 For Sale and Sold    ( 738 for sale  3728 sold )  
Marble Top Buffet With Drawers C.1910.£1095 $1411.56   €1304.91 Marble Top Buffet With Drawers C.1910.Collinge Antiques Antique Mahogany Buffet Sideboard Server  Antique Mahogany Buffet Sideboard ServerThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Large Pine Kitchen Sideboard£995 $1282.65   €1185.74 Large Pine Kitchen SideboardPeppermill Interiors Large Victorian Rosewood Sideboard / Bookcase£6950 $8959.25   €8282.32 Large Victorian Rosewood Sideboard / BookcaseNimbus Antiques
Georgian Style Mahogany Breakfront Sideboard£1495 $1927.2   €1781.59 Georgian Style Mahogany Breakfront SideboardPhilip Hunt Antiques Ipswich Oak Sideboard£745 $960.38   €887.82 Ipswich Oak SideboardCamden Antiques Italian Cherry Buffet Deux Corps Circa 1800£3450 $4447.4   €4111.37 Italian Cherry Buffet Deux Corps Circa 1800Lee Wright Antiques And Interiors Mahogany Mirror Back Sideboard£695 $895.92   €828.23 Mahogany Mirror Back SideboardAthey Antiques
Mahogany Bow Front Georgian Style Sideboard Base  Mahogany Bow Front Georgian Style Sideboard BaseThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Mahogany Sheraton Revival Serpentine Sideboard£1050 $1353.56   €1251.29 Mahogany Sheraton Revival Serpentine SideboardPhilip Hunt Antiques Victorian Mahogany Chiffonier Sideboard Base  Victorian Mahogany Chiffonier Sideboard BaseThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Good Quality Victorian Burr Walnut Credenza£2495 $3216.3   €2973.29 Good Quality Victorian Burr Walnut CredenzaPhilip Hunt Antiques
19th Century Rosewood Two Door Chiffonier  19th Century Rosewood Two Door ChiffonierShackladys Antiques A George III Mahogany Sideboard£1650 $2127.02   €1966.31 A George III Mahogany SideboardGravener Antiques A Gothic Revival Oak Buffet£655 $844.36   €780.56 A Gothic Revival Oak BuffetBeech And Springs Fine Quality Figured Walnut & Marquetry Credenza£2400 $3093.84   €2860.08 Fine Quality Figured Walnut & Marquetry CredenzaE.W. Cousins And Son Antiques
Large Victorian Painted Sideboard£995 $1282.65   €1185.74 Large Victorian Painted SideboardPeppermill Interiors Art Nouveau Golden Oak Sideboard £795 $1024.83   €947.4 Art Nouveau Golden Oak Sideboard Fernyhough Antiques Good Regency "Adams Style" Mahogany Sideboard£2250 $2900.48   €2681.33 Good Regency "Adams Style" Mahogany SideboardPhilip Hunt Antiques Long French Oak Kitchen Enfilade £2450 $3158.3   €2919.67 Long French Oak Kitchen Enfilade Sussex Antiques And Interiors
Georgian Mahogany Sideboard  Georgian Mahogany SideboardPiers Pisani Antiques Large George III Mahogany Sideboard  Large George III Mahogany SideboardJohn Howkins Antiques 18th C Low Cherry Wood Enfilade£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 18th C Low Cherry Wood EnfiladeSussex Antiques And Interiors Exhibition Quality Adams Style Pedestal Sideboard   Exhibition Quality Adams Style Pedestal Sideboard Sinclairs Antiques And Interiors
Early French Oak Directoire Enfilade Or Side £1750 $2255.93   €2085.48 Early French Oak Directoire Enfilade Or Side Sussex Antiques And Interiors Oak Four Door Sideboard C.1870.£1295 $1669.38   €1543.25 Oak Four Door Sideboard C.1870.Collinge Antiques Antique Victorian Country Pine Sideboard   Antique Victorian Country Pine Sideboard Eras Of Style Arts And Crafts Oak Mirror Back Sideboard  Arts And Crafts Oak Mirror Back SideboardWalcot And Co