Antique Refectory Tables

Found 1244 For Sale and Sold    ( 129 for sale  1115 sold )  
19C Oak Drawer Leaf Refectory Dining Table Kitchen£1695.00 $2122.65   €2034.51 19C Oak Drawer Leaf Refectory Dining Table KitchenPrior And Willis Antiques Antique Kitchen  Refectory Dining Table£680 $851.56   €816.2 Antique Kitchen Refectory Dining TableCJ Antiques Early 20thc Oak Refectory Table £1250 $1565.38   €1500.38 Early 20thc Oak Refectory Table Piers Pisani Antiques 19th Century French Oak Table  19th Century French Oak TableElmgarden
French Oak Refectory Table   French Oak Refectory Table Elmgarden 19thc Pine Long Refectory Table£1050 $1314.92   €1260.32 19thc Pine Long Refectory TablePiers Pisani Antiques 18thc Oak Refectory Table £1350 $1690.61   €1620.41 18thc Oak Refectory Table Piers Pisani Antiques Superb William & Mary Oak Refectory Table£3495 $4376.79   €4195.05 Superb William & Mary Oak Refectory TableSturmans Antiques Ltd
A Heals Oak Refectory Table£1095.00 $1371.27   €1314.33 A Heal's Oak Refectory TableAntiques And Interiors Solid Oak Refectory Table With Two Drawers  Solid Oak Refectory Table With Two DrawersFB Antiques Antique Country Oak Dining Table   Antique Country Oak Dining Table Eras Of Style Big Pine Tavern Table  Refectory Table Pine Table  Big Pine Tavern Table Refectory Table Pine TableElmgarden
Superb George I Oak Refectory Table  Superb George I Oak Refectory TableSturmans Antiques Ltd 12 Ft Long English Country Oak And Elm Table   12 Ft Long English Country Oak And Elm Table Elmgarden Large And Heavy Pine Refectory Table£475 $594.84   €570.14 Large And Heavy Pine Refectory TableWickersley Antiques Large 17th Century Solid Oak Refectory Table    Large 17th Century Solid Oak Refectory Table FB Antiques
A Good Solid Oak Refectory Table £895 $1120.81   €1074.27 A Good Solid Oak Refectory Table Swans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors Refectory Table In Oak 8ft  Refectory Table In Oak 8ftBrookside Antiques Oak Antique Refrectory / Side Table£675.00 $845.3   €810.2 Oak Antique Refrectory / Side TableMelbourne Antiques 1900s Refectory Table£295 $369.43   €354.09 1900s Refectory TableYew Tree Antiques Warehouse
Oak Refectory Table£795 $995.58   €954.24 Oak Refectory TablePear Tree Antiques French Chestnut Provincial Small Refectory Table  French Chestnut Provincial Small Refectory TableYola Gray Antiques  Large Oak Refectory Dining Table   Large Oak Refectory Dining Table Shackladys Antiques Yellow Pine Refectory Table£900 $1127.07   €1080.27 Yellow Pine Refectory TableGeorgian Antiques
Oak Refectory Dining Table Kitchen Gothic£395.00 $494.66   €474.12 Oak Refectory Dining Table Kitchen GothicPrior And Willis Antiques Spanish Basque Oak Refectory Dining Table (c.1920)  Spanish Basque Oak Refectory Dining Table (c.1920)Yola Gray Antiques Stripped Pine Refectory Table£1150 $1440.15   €1380.35 Stripped Pine Refectory TableGeorgian Antiques Massive French Chateau Dining Table  Massive French Chateau Dining TableMark Davis Antiques