Antique Military and Campaign Chests

Found 389 For Sale and Sold    ( 57 for sale  332 sold )  
Pair Campaign Bedside Chest Of Drawers£640 $825.86   €761.98 Pair Campaign Bedside Chest Of DrawersJonathan Drake Antique And Decorative  Campaign Chest Of Drawers.   £1395 $1800.11   €1660.89 Campaign Chest Of Drawers. Antiques & Chic One Piece Military Brass Bound Chest£1150 $1483.96   €1369.19 One Piece Military Brass Bound ChestGeorgian Antiques Mahogany Campaign Chest Of Drawers C.1880£1995 $2574.35   €2375.25 Mahogany Campaign Chest Of Drawers C.1880Collinge Antiques
Antique Campaign Chest. Military Chest. £1475 $1903.34   €1756.14 Antique Campaign Chest. Military Chest. Antiques & Chic 19th Century Antique Campaign Chest. £1475 $1903.34   €1756.14 19th Century Antique Campaign Chest. Antiques & Chic Small 19th Century Teak Campaign Chest£3450 $4451.88   €4107.57 Small 19th Century Teak Campaign ChestLee Wright Antiques And Interiors Campaign Chest Of Drawers.   £1295 $1671.07   €1541.83 Campaign Chest Of Drawers. Antiques & Chic
Campaign Chest Of Drawers.   £1295.00 $1671.07   €1541.83 Campaign Chest Of Drawers. Antiques & Chic Antique Mahogany Military Campaign Chest£525 $677.46   €625.07 Antique Mahogany Military Campaign ChestMarylebone Antiques Antique Mahogany Military Campaign Chest£850 $1096.84   €1012.01 Antique Mahogany Military Campaign ChestMarylebone Antiques  Mahogany Secretaire Campaign Chest Of Drawers  Mahogany Secretaire Campaign Chest Of DrawersJohn Howkins Antiques
Two-Part Mid-Victorian Mahogany Military Chest£2650 $3419.56   €3155.09 Two-Part Mid-Victorian Mahogany Military ChestGeorgian Antiques Antique Mahogany Campaign Chest Of Drawers£675 $871.02   €803.66 Antique Mahogany Campaign Chest Of DrawersMarylebone Antiques 19th Century Japanese Campaign Chest  19th Century Japanese Campaign ChestElmgarden Victorian Secretaire Military Chest By H Pratt £2750 $3548.6   €3274.15 Victorian Secretaire Military Chest By H Pratt Camden Antiques
A Stunning Amboyna & Ebony Chinese Campaign Chest  A Stunning Amboyna & Ebony Chinese Campaign ChestJohn Howkins Antiques Teak Military Chest Of Narrow Proportions  Teak Military Chest Of Narrow ProportionsNimbus Antiques Victorian  Military Campaign Chest Of Drawers 1870  Victorian Military Campaign Chest Of Drawers 1870Yola Gray Antiques Victorian Solid Teak Two-Part Military Chest £2475 $3193.74   €2946.74 Victorian Solid Teak Two-Part Military Chest Georgian Antiques
Victorian Mahogany Campaign Style Chest Of Drawers  Victorian Mahogany Campaign Style Chest Of DrawersFB Antiques Early 20th Century Anglo-Indian Camphor Wood Campaign Chest£2950 $3806.68   €3512.27 Early 20th Century Anglo-Indian Camphor Wood Campaign ChestMartlesham Antiques Military Campaign 2 Part Chest Of Drawers Teak£2650 $3419.56   €3155.09 Military Campaign 2 Part Chest Of Drawers TeakTrade Antiques 19th Century Military Campaign Chest Of Drawers In£1650 $2129.16   €1964.49 19th Century Military Campaign Chest Of Drawers InRams Head Antiques
Victorian Walnut Military Chest Of Drawers£1750 $2258.2   €2083.55 Victorian Walnut Military Chest Of DrawersCamden Antiques Late 19th Century Camphor Military Chest £2250 $2903.4   €2678.85 Late 19th Century Camphor Military Chest Worboys Antiques And Clocks Chest Of Drawers Military Campaign Rare William IV£2250 $2903.4   €2678.85 Chest Of Drawers Military Campaign Rare William IVCloverleaf Home Interiors 19th Century Walnut Military Chest Of Drawers£1450 $1871.08   €1726.37 19th Century Walnut Military Chest Of DrawersCamden Antiques