Antique Shop Display Cabinets

Found 507 For Sale and Sold    ( 69 for sale  438 sold )  
J S Fry Chocolate Counter Top Display Cabinet  J S Fry Chocolate Counter Top Display CabinetWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) Small Shop Display Cabinet C.1920£495 $624.44   €596.62 Small Shop Display Cabinet C.1920Collinge Antiques Victorian Chemist Perfume Cabinet Or Bathroom Cupboard  Victorian Chemist Perfume Cabinet Or Bathroom CupboardElmgarden Edwardian Painted Side Cabinet£475 $599.21   €572.52 Edwardian Painted Side CabinetWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Shop Display Counter C1900.£950 $1198.43   €1145.04 Shop Display Counter C1900.Cavers Antiques Victorian Mahogany Display Counter Drawers  Victorian Mahogany Display Counter DrawersTJ Antiques Double French Bow Display Cabinet£2200 $2775.3   €2651.66 Double French Bow Display CabinetD And A Binder Ltd  French Bronze Bow Glass Display Cabinet£1800 $2270.7   €2169.54 French Bronze Bow Glass Display CabinetD And A Binder Ltd
1920s Bronze Tower Cabinets £1800 $2270.7   €2169.54 1920s Bronze Tower Cabinets D And A Binder Ltd Mahogany & Brass Framed Shop Display Counter   Mahogany & Brass Framed Shop Display Counter TJ Antiques Antique Side Cabinet, English, Bookshelf, C1860 £1495 $1885.94   €1801.92 Antique Side Cabinet, English, Bookshelf, C1860 London Fine Antiques Early 20thC Shop Display Cabinet By O.C. Hawkes  Early 20thC Shop Display Cabinet By O.C. HawkesHarrington Antiques
Antique Retailers  Display Cabinet, English, Shop £2850 $3595.28   €3435.11 Antique Retailers Display Cabinet, English, Shop London Fine Antiques Edwardian Fry’s Chocolate Shop Cabinet£895 $1129.04   €1078.74 Edwardian Fry’s Chocolate Shop CabinetAntiques & Chic 1930s Shop Display Shelving Stand In Chrome  1930's Shop Display Shelving Stand In ChromeArt Furniture Cabinet Display Rare Victorian Oak Shop Collectors£1850 $2333.78   €2229.81 Cabinet Display Rare Victorian Oak Shop CollectorsCloverleaf Home Interiors
Mahogany Apothecary Shop Display Cabinet  Mahogany Apothecary Shop Display CabinetTJ Antiques Mahogany Perfume Shop Display Cabinet.  Mahogany Perfume Shop Display Cabinet.Art Furniture Large Victorian Shop Display Cabinet£4995 $6301.19   €6020.47 Large Victorian Shop Display CabinetMerchant House Antiques Victorian Mahogany Shop Display Cabinet  Victorian Mahogany Shop Display CabinetTJ Antiques
French Siegel Mahogany Shop Display Cabinet  French Siegel Mahogany Shop Display CabinetTJ Antiques Mahogany Bow Ended Shop Display Cabinet  Mahogany Bow Ended Shop Display CabinetTJ Antiques Mahogany Shop Haberdashery Display Cabinet  Mahogany Shop Haberdashery Display CabinetTJ Antiques Hand Painted Bijouterie Cabinet£750 $946.13   €903.98 Hand Painted Bijouterie CabinetCamden Antiques
Vintage Shop Display Showcase Cabinet   Vintage Shop Display Showcase Cabinet TJ Antiques Antique Shop Display Cabinet Showcase  Antique Shop Display Cabinet ShowcaseTJ Antiques Shop Display Cabinet Bronze Frame  Shop Display Cabinet Bronze FrameTJ Antiques Huge Antique Shop Cabinet, English, Retail Display£6750 $8515.13   €8135.78 Huge Antique Shop Cabinet, English, Retail DisplayLondon Fine Antiques