Antique Bookcases

Found 10443 For Sale and Sold    ( 1139 for sale  9304 sold )  
Flamed Mahogany 3 Door Bookcase£325.00 $407   €390.1 Flamed Mahogany 3 Door BookcasePeppermill Antiques Mahogany & Inlaid Bureau Bookcase £1350 $1690.61   €1620.41 Mahogany & Inlaid Bureau Bookcase Peter J. Martin Antiques Betty Joel Bookcase Cabinet  Betty Joel Bookcase CabinetCirca 1900 Quality Edwardian Antique Oak Bookcase  Quality Edwardian Antique Oak BookcaseMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
Victorian Bookcase£2200 $2755.06   €2640.66 Victorian BookcaseNimbus Antiques Edwardian Oak Square Shaped Revolving Bo£320.00 $400.74   €384.1 Edwardian Oak Square Shaped Revolving BoSutton Antieks Ercol Open Shelf Room Divider Retro£169 $211.64   €202.85 Ercol Open Shelf Room Divider RetroG. Oakes & Son Antiques Late Victorian Breakfront Mahogany Inlai  Late Victorian Breakfront Mahogany InlaiWilliam James Antiques And Interiors
Victorian Mahogany Four Door Bookcase  Victorian Mahogany Four Door BookcaseShackladys Antiques Oak Globewernicke Bookcase  Oak Globewernicke BookcaseLedger Brothers Antiques Howard And Sons Revolving Bookcase  Howard And Sons Revolving BookcaseShackladys Antiques Globe Wernicke Style Bookcase (Lebus)£520.00 $651.2   €624.16 Globe Wernicke Style Bookcase (Lebus)Sutton Antieks
Small Edwardian Bookcase C.1910.£725 $907.92   €870.22 Small Edwardian Bookcase C.1910.Collinge Antiques Victorian Open Oak Bookcase  Victorian Open Oak BookcaseWilliam James Antiques And Interiors Leaded Light Bureau Bookcase£170 $212.89   €204.05 Leaded Light Bureau BookcaseBaildon Furniture Company Ltd Air Of Mahogany Globe Wernicke Bookcases  Air Of Mahogany Globe Wernicke BookcasesShackladys Antiques
Oak Globe Wernicke Sectional Bookcase  Oak Globe Wernicke Sectional BookcaseShackladys Antiques Georgian Mahogany Line Inlay Secretaire£890.00 $1114.55   €1068.27 Georgian Mahogany Line Inlay SecretaireSutton Antieks Mahogany & Inlaid Bookcase£825 $1033.15   €990.25 Mahogany & Inlaid BookcasePeter J. Martin Antiques Open Bookcase£190 $237.94   €228.06 Open BookcaseBaildon Furniture Company Ltd
Georgian Welsh Dresser£3650 $4570.9   €4381.1 Georgian Welsh DresserNimbus Antiques Viictorian Cupboard Bookcase£1950 $2441.99   €2340.59 Viictorian Cupboard BookcaseBaildon Furniture Company Ltd Victorian Oak Revolving Bookcase£550 $688.77   €660.17 Victorian Oak Revolving BookcasePeter J. Martin Antiques Oak Bureau Bookcase£348 $435.8   €417.7 Oak Bureau BookcaseAfonwen Antique Centre
Victorian Mahagany Glazed Bookcase  Victorian Mahagany Glazed BookcaseAthey Antiques Victorian 3 Door Oak Bookcase£2850 $3569.06   €3420.86 Victorian 3 Door Oak BookcaseNimbus Antiques Victorian Bookcase£2950 $3694.29   €3540.89 Victorian BookcaseNimbus Antiques Ercol Book Trolley£175 $219.15   €210.05 Ercol Book TrolleyBaildon Furniture Company Ltd