Antique Bookcases

Found 10439 For Sale and Sold    ( 1138 for sale  9301 sold )  
Walnut Bureau Bookcase Of Small Proportions   Walnut Bureau Bookcase Of Small Proportions Shackladys Antiques Antique Regency Mahogany Bookcase Cupboard£725 $907.92   €870.22 Antique Regency Mahogany Bookcase CupboardCastleforge Antiques Victorian Arts & Crafts Oak Bookcase (c.1880)  Victorian Arts & Crafts Oak Bookcase (c.1880)Yola Gray Antiques 1920s Open Oak Bookcase £325 $407   €390.1 1920s Open Oak Bookcase Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Pair Of Victorian Mahogany Open Bookcases C.1890  Pair Of Victorian Mahogany Open Bookcases C.1890Yola Gray Antiques Antique Burr Walnut Bookcase Secretaire W7024/9.7£895 $1120.81   €1074.27 Antique Burr Walnut Bookcase Secretaire W7024/9.7Castleforge Antiques Oak Bookcase £985 $1233.52   €1182.3 Oak Bookcase Merchant House Antiques Arts & Crafts  Bookcase Pierced Yin-yang  Arts & Crafts Bookcase Pierced Yin-yangRed House Antiques
Late Victorian Breakfront Mahogany Bookcase£4750 $5948.43   €5701.43 Late Victorian Breakfront Mahogany BookcaseGeorgian Antiques Globe Wernicke Style Bookcase£380 $475.87   €456.11 Globe Wernicke Style BookcaseBaildon Furniture Company Ltd Large Mahogany & Inlaid ‘revolving’ Bookcase£395 $494.66   €474.12 Large Mahogany & Inlaid ‘revolving’ BookcasePeter J. Martin Antiques 1920s Oak Bookshelf£95.00 $118.97   €114.03 1920s Oak BookshelfPeppermill Antiques
Mahogany Cabriole Leg Revolving Bookcase£395 $494.66   €474.12 Mahogany Cabriole Leg Revolving BookcasePeter J. Martin Antiques Oak Bureau Bookcase£295.00 $369.43   €354.09 Oak Bureau BookcaseAthey Antiques Victorian Bookshelves£550.00 $688.77   €660.17 Victorian BookshelvesPeppermill Antiques Victorian Oak Bookcase£1100.00 $1377.53   €1320.33 Victorian Oak BookcasePeppermill Antiques
Victorian Library Bookcase In Red Walnut£1800.00 $2254.14   €2160.54 Victorian Library Bookcase In Red WalnutPeppermill Antiques Mid Victorian Mahogany Open Bookcase£1550 $1941.07   €1860.47 Mid Victorian Mahogany Open BookcaseGeorgian Antiques Antique Victorian Carved Gothic Oak Bookcase£425 $532.23   €510.13 Antique Victorian Carved Gothic Oak BookcaseCastleforge Antiques Mahogany Bow Fronted Bookcase  Mahogany Bow Fronted BookcaseShackladys Antiques
Edwardian Revolving Bookcase£1485 $1859.67   €1782.45 Edwardian Revolving BookcaseNimbus Antiques Antique Victorian Gothic Carved Oak Bookcase£725 $907.92   €870.22 Antique Victorian Gothic Carved Oak BookcaseCastleforge Antiques Mahogany Bookcase C1880£1350 $1690.61   €1620.41 Mahogany Bookcase C1880Merchant House Antiques 19th Century Glazed Bookcase£595.00 $745.12   €714.18 19th Century Glazed BookcaseSutton Antieks
Good Quality Antique Oak Bookcase/Cupboard  Good Quality Antique Oak Bookcase/CupboardMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Antique Victorian Mahogany Tall Open Bookcase£795 $995.58   €954.24 Antique Victorian Mahogany Tall Open BookcaseCastleforge Antiques Imposing George Lll Oak Breakfront Bookcase£16000 $20036.8   €19204.8 Imposing George Lll Oak Breakfront BookcaseCarse Antiques And Restoration Antique Regency Mahogany Secretaire Bookcase      £1495 $1872.19   €1794.45 Antique Regency Mahogany Secretaire Bookcase Castleforge Antiques