Antique Bookcases

Found 10438 For Sale and Sold    ( 1137 for sale  9301 sold )  
Very Good Mahogany Low Adjustable Bookcase£895 $1120.81   €1074.27 Very Good Mahogany Low Adjustable BookcaseFernyhough Antiques Elm Bookcase£695 $870.35   €834.21 Elm BookcaseGaylord Antiques Victorian Oak Open Adjustable Bookcase£995 $1246.04   €1194.3 Victorian Oak Open Adjustable BookcaseFernyhough Antiques Yew Wood Bookcase Of Small Proportions£895 $1120.81   €1074.27 Yew Wood Bookcase Of Small ProportionsFernyhough Antiques
Large Victorian Open Bookcase£1150.00 $1440.15   €1380.35 Large Victorian Open BookcaseLemon Tree Antiques Mahogany Inlaid Bureau Bookcase£3450 $4320.44   €4141.04 Mahogany Inlaid Bureau BookcaseShackladys Antiques George I Walnut Bureau Bookcase£8750 $10957.63   €10502.63 George I Walnut Bureau BookcaseFB Antiques Cherrywood Waterfall Open Bookcase£695 $870.35   €834.21 Cherrywood Waterfall Open BookcasePhilip Hunt Antiques
Good Antique Sheraton Revival Bureau Bookcase£1650 $2066.3   €1980.5 Good Antique Sheraton Revival Bureau BookcaseJohn Howkins Antiques Pair Victorian Gillows Lancaster Bookcase Cabinets£30000 $37569   €36009 Pair Victorian Gillows Lancaster Bookcase CabinetsWimbledon Furniture Ltd Victorain Hand Painted Cupboard Library Bookcase£1950 $2441.99   €2340.59 Victorain Hand Painted Cupboard Library BookcaseWimbledon Furniture Ltd Aesthetic Oak Open Bookcase£1250 $1565.38   €1500.38 Aesthetic Oak Open BookcaseShackladys Antiques
Circa 1880-1900 Large Oak Revolving Bookcase Table£2350 $2942.91   €2820.71 Circa 1880-1900 Large Oak Revolving Bookcase TableWimbledon Furniture Ltd Arts And Crafts Oak Book Trough£595 $745.12   €714.18 Arts And Crafts Oak Book TroughFernyhough Antiques Early 18th Century Walnut Bureau Bookcase£8700 $10895.01   €10442.61 Early 18th Century Walnut Bureau BookcaseMartlesham Antiques Outstanding Regency Breakfront Pine Bookcase£1100 $1377.53   €1320.33 Outstanding Regency Breakfront Pine BookcaseFernyhough Antiques
Reformed Gothic Mahogany Bookcase£1250 $1565.38   €1500.38 Reformed Gothic Mahogany BookcaseNimbus Antiques George I Walnut Bureau Bookcase£12500 $15653.75   €15003.75 George I Walnut Bureau BookcaseHingstons Antiques Of Wilton Superior Quality Solid Oak Bureau Bookcase£1295 $1621.73   €1554.39 Superior Quality Solid Oak Bureau BookcaseJohn Howkins Antiques Edwardian Shop Fitting Bookcase£1650 $2066.3   €1980.5 Edwardian Shop Fitting BookcaseWitch Antiques
Mahogany Two Door Narrow Bookcase£1475 $1847.14   €1770.44 Mahogany Two Door Narrow BookcaseShackladys Antiques Victorian Mahogany Breakfront Library Bookcase£1295 $1621.73   €1554.39 Victorian Mahogany Breakfront Library BookcaseFernyhough Antiques A Regency Mahogany Secretaire Bookcase£1950 $2441.99   €2340.59 A Regency Mahogany Secretaire BookcaseEveritt And Rogers Limited Dwarf Pair Walnut Waterfall Bookcases£795 $995.58   €954.24 Dwarf Pair Walnut Waterfall BookcasesFernyhough Antiques
Double Domed Queen Anne Walnut Bureau Bookcase£1295 $1621.73   €1554.39 Double Domed Queen Anne Walnut Bureau BookcaseFernyhough Antiques  Edwardian Inlaid Table Top Revolving Bookcase£685 $857.83   €822.21 Edwardian Inlaid Table Top Revolving BookcaseLondon City Antiques Mahogany Breakfront Bookcase £695.00 $870.35   €834.21 Mahogany Breakfront Bookcase Athey Antiques Arts And Crafts Oak Book Shelves£420 $525.97   €504.13 Arts And Crafts Oak Book ShelvesWalcot And Co