Antique Benches
Found 2742 For Sale and Sold ( 267 for sale 2475 sold )
$841.52 €806.69
Carved Oak SettleFlemish Chandeliers
$991.13 €950.1
Late Victorian High Back SettleDrew Richardson Upholstery And Antiques
$423.88 €406.33
Antique Bentwood BenchHutton-Clarke Antiques
$1614.48 €1547.65
Carved Oak Canopy Top Box Settle C.1920Collinge Antiques
$497.43 €476.84
Pitch Pine Settle Bench / Seat / 20th CenturyBrook Antiques & Collectables
$2649.24 €2539.59
An Early 18th Century Oak Box SettleElephantiques
$810.36 €776.82
C18th Carved Oak SettleDyfi Valley Antiques
$598.42 €573.65
Pair Of Victorian 8ft Welsh Pine Dining BenchesWelsh Vernacular Antiques
$311.68 €298.78
Early 20th Century Oak Bench Worboys Antiques And Clocks
$7978.88 €7648.64
18th Century George III Elm Bacon SettleLee Wright Antiques And Interiors
$473.75 €454.14
Victorian Pine Pew.Vantiques
$3733.87 €3579.32
Italian Inlaid Walnut Box Settle C.1780Collinge Antiques
$804.12 €770.84
1860 SettleYew Tree Antiques Warehouse
$991.13 €950.1
19th Century Dark Mahogany Carved Bench SeatJames R Millington Antiques
$1228 €1177.17
African Tribal Bench 1930,s Aztec Materiel Trade Antiques
$723.09 €693.16
Outstanding Pair Of Oak & Fruitwood Dining BenchesWelsh Vernacular Antiques
$2057.06 €1971.92
Classic Early Victorian Mahogany Hall BenchW. John Griffiths Antiques
$972.43 €932.18
19th Century Chestnut French BenchWalton House Antiques
$1184.37 €1135.35
18th Century Carved Oak High Back Bench / SettleFB Antiques
$1433.71 €1374.37
Large 19th Century Oak Pig BenchCeltic Antiques
$2879.88 €2760.68
Early 19th Century Welsh Borders Oak SettleNewark Antiques And Interiors
$810.36 €776.82
Small 19th Century French Breton Chestnut BenchWalton House Antiques
$467.51 €448.16
Antique Rustic Country House Pine Hall Seat SettleJohn Howkins Antiques
$529.85 €507.92
Arts & Crafts Alter ChairSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
$1739.15 €1667.16
Pair Of Rare Antique Museum Seats C1870Swagantiques
$1932.39 €1852.41
17thc High Back Oak Panelled SettleMiddletons Antiques
$561.02 €537.8
Georgian SettleYew Tree Antiques Warehouse
$2025.89 €1942.04
19th Century Barrel Back Rustic Pine SettleNewark Antiques And Interiors