1950s Antique Toys

Found 138 For Sale and Sold    ( 20 for sale  118 sold )  
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Vintage 10" Steiff Dark Brown Mohair Teddy Bear£195.00 $246.77   €235.05 Vintage 10" Steiff Dark Brown Mohair Teddy BearSlades Antiques Vintage 7" Dark Mohair Teddy Bear, Possibly Steiff£110.00 $139.21   €132.59 Vintage 7" Dark Mohair Teddy Bear, Possibly SteiffSlades Antiques DinkyTriumph 2000 With Box£75 $94.91   €90.41 DinkyTriumph 2000 With BoxRobert Lunn Antiques Collection Of Steiff Lions & Tigers C.1950.£495 $626.42   €596.67 Collection Of Steiff Lions & Tigers C.1950.Collinge Antiques
Collection Of Racing Cars, Aeroplanes, Trucks, Bus£65 $82.26   €78.35 Collection Of Racing Cars, Aeroplanes, Trucks, BusRobert Lunn Antiques Vintage Boxed Britains Her Majestys State Coach£150.00 $189.83   €180.81 Vintage Boxed Britains Her Majesty's State CoachSlades Antiques Vintage Toy Tractor    Vintage Toy Tractor Art Furniture Vintage Tri-ang Centurion Pedal Car C.1955.£395 $499.87   €476.13 Vintage Tri-ang Centurion Pedal Car C.1955.Collinge Antiques
Vintage 1950s  Childs Painted Wooden Wheelbarrow  Vintage 1950s Childs Painted Wooden WheelbarrowEras Of Style Vintage Speedaway Sled. T817  Vintage Speedaway Sled. T817Prichard Antiques Stunning Large Rocking Horse£895 $1132.62   €1078.83 Stunning Large Rocking HorseFernyhough Antiques Large 1950s Pedigree Teddy Bear. £75 $94.91   €90.41 Large 1950's Pedigree Teddy Bear. Leek Antiques And Interiors
Vintage Mobo Metal Childs Horse. T827  Vintage Mobo Metal Childs Horse. T827Prichard Antiques 1950s Childrens Pull Along Toy£55.00 $69.6   €66.3 1950's Children's Pull Along ToyWoodys Antiques Chiltern Hugmee Teddy Bear 18" £130.00 $164.52   €156.7 Chiltern Hugmee Teddy Bear 18" Tarka Antiques Vintage Table Skittles Game,   Vintage Table Skittles Game, The Antique Shop Sutton Bridge
Timpo Boxed Set Of Four Beatrix Potter Figures£320.00 $404.96   €385.73 Timpo Boxed Set Of Four Beatrix Potter FiguresSlades Antiques Vintage Dolls Pram£95.00 $120.22   €114.51 Vintage Dolls PramLornel Trading Ltd Fearless Freddie Toy£150.00 $189.83   €180.81 Fearless Freddie ToyWoodys Antiques Vintage Rocking Horse C.1950.£345 $436.6   €415.86 Vintage Rocking Horse C.1950.Collinge Antiques
Vintage Funfair Ball Game£240.00 $303.72   €289.3 Vintage Funfair Ball GameWoodys Antiques Vintage Rocking Horse.£695 $879.52   €837.75 Vintage Rocking Horse.Collinge Antiques Vintage American Folk Art Bird House  Vintage American Folk Art Bird HousePrichard Antiques Large English Mohair Lefray Teddy Bear    Large English Mohair Lefray Teddy Bear Elmgarden
Dinky Bedford Tipper Truck #410  Dinky Bedford Tipper Truck #410Number Twenty Dinky Vanguard Car #153  Dinky Vanguard Car #153Number Twenty Dinky Luxury Coach #281  Dinky Luxury Coach #281Number Twenty Dinky Austen Truck (30J)  Dinky Austen Truck (30J)Number Twenty
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