19th Century Coastal Paintings

Found 302 For Sale and Sold    ( 93 for sale  209 sold )  
Oil Painting By Anton Schoth "Evening Unloading The Catch"£1650 $2041.88   €1987.43 Oil Painting By Anton Schoth "Evening Unloading The Catch"Walton House Antiques Oil Painting By George Aikman "A Scottish Coastal View"£2250 $2784.38   €2710.13 Oil Painting By George Aikman "A Scottish Coastal View"Walton House Antiques Oil Painting By Lilian M. Thornley "Off The Coast"£1650 $2041.88   €1987.43 Oil Painting By Lilian M. Thornley "Off The Coast"Walton House Antiques Oil Painting By James Thomas Watts "A Busy Thames View"£1850 $2289.38   €2228.33 Oil Painting By James Thomas Watts "A Busy Thames View"Walton House Antiques
Market In Chioggia, Venice Ca.1874-80 £650 $804.38   €782.93 Market In Chioggia, Venice Ca.1874-80 Radnorshire Fine Arts Ltd 19th Century Oil On Panel New Forest Landscape£445 $550.69   €536 19th Century Oil On Panel New Forest LandscapeBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds) 19th Century Watercolour Seascape By Bush Hardy£295 $365.06   €355.33 19th Century Watercolour Seascape By Bush HardyBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds) Oil Painting By Joseph Vickers De Ville "A Cornish View" £2250 $2784.38   €2710.13 Oil Painting By Joseph Vickers De Ville "A Cornish View" Walton House Antiques
Fishing Boat Rough Seas Oil Painting Henry Moore£6000 $7425   €7227 Fishing Boat Rough Seas Oil Painting Henry MooreCheshire Antiques Consultant Oil Painting By Edoardo Federico De Martino £2650 $3279.38   €3191.93 Oil Painting By Edoardo Federico De Martino Walton House Antiques Northern Italian School (early 19th Century) Harbour Scene£330 $408.38   €397.49 Northern Italian School (early 19th Century) Harbour SceneRadnorshire Fine Arts Ltd Oil Painting By Claude T. Stanfield Moore "Carvers£3250 $4021.88   €3914.63 Oil Painting By Claude T. Stanfield Moore "CarversWalton House Antiques
Cockerel Ad Chickens JF Slater£695.00 $860.06   €837.13 Cockerel Ad Chickens JF SlaterJohn Nicholson Fine Art Ben Nevis Gustave De Breanski£2300.00 $2846.25   €2770.35 Ben Nevis Gustave De BreanskiJohn Nicholson Fine Art The Upland Waterfall John Falconer Slater£1250.00 $1546.88   €1505.63 The Upland Waterfall John Falconer SlaterJohn Nicholson Fine Art Moonlight John Falconer Slater£1450.00 $1794.38   €1746.53 Moonlight John Falconer SlaterJohn Nicholson Fine Art
Roland Vivian Pitchforth - Nautical Watercolour.£495 $612.56   €596.23 Roland Vivian Pitchforth - Nautical Watercolour.Kernow Furniture Oil Painting Pair  William McAlpine North East Coastal Views£1650 $2041.88   €1987.43 Oil Painting Pair William McAlpine North East Coastal ViewsWalton House Antiques Fishing Boat In A Swell Gustave De Breanski£1250.00 $1546.88   €1505.63 Fishing Boat In A Swell Gustave De BreanskiJohn Nicholson Fine Art At The Mouth Of The Tay£70 $86.63   €84.32 At The Mouth Of The TayPaperelephant
A Sailing Ship Off Tynemouth BB Hemy£1250.00 $1546.88   €1505.63 A Sailing Ship Off Tynemouth BB HemyJohn Nicholson Fine Art Kirkcaldy.  Archibald Standish Hartrick £1850 $2289.38   €2228.33 Kirkcaldy. Archibald Standish Hartrick Paperelephant Edwin Ellis RBA Lge Watercolour Seaweed Gatherers£475.00 $587.81   €572.14 Edwin Ellis RBA Lge Watercolour Seaweed GatherersStudio RT Ltd Oil Painting By William Richard Waters  Portrait £4250 $5259.38   €5119.13 Oil Painting By William Richard Waters Portrait Walton House Antiques
James Aitken, Landscape Watercolour£325 $402.19   €391.46 James Aitken, Landscape WatercolourOsbourne Antiques Shipwreck Bamburgh Castle Samuel Phillips Jackson£1450.00 $1794.38   €1746.53 Shipwreck Bamburgh Castle Samuel Phillips JacksonJohn Nicholson Fine Art Bamburgh Castle Antony Graham£750.00 $928.13   €903.38 Bamburgh Castle Antony GrahamJohn Nicholson Fine Art Pair Of Antique Oil Paintings By Daniel Sherrin.£6800 $8415   €8190.6 Pair Of Antique Oil Paintings By Daniel Sherrin.David Wolfenden Antiques