Toleware Antique Metalware

Found 65 For Sale and Sold    ( 9 for sale  56 sold )  
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Pair Of Regency Toleware Chestnut Urns£425.00 $547.87   €506.47 Pair Of Regency Toleware Chestnut UrnsTerrier Antiques At Hebden Bridge Red Toleware Tray Painted With Flowers£275 $354.5   €327.72 Red Toleware Tray Painted With FlowersPrometheus Antiques Trio Of 19th Century Toleware Trays£875 $1127.96   €1042.74 Trio Of 19th Century Toleware TraysHobson May Collection Early 19th Century Shaped Toleware Bowl£115 $148.25   €137.05 Early 19th Century Shaped Toleware BowlCarse Antiques
19th Century Pontypool Toleware Tray£275 $354.5   €327.72 19th Century Pontypool Toleware TrayHobson May Collection 19th Century Red Toleware Tray£270 $348.06   €321.76 19th Century Red Toleware TrayHobson May Collection Large Toleware Tray£275 $354.5   €327.72 Large Toleware TrayMartin Barrington Causer Fine Art & Interiors Early Victorian Painted Toleware FootBath£875 $1127.96   €1042.74 Early Victorian Painted Toleware FootBathElmgarden
19th C Tolewear Sunday School Samoval£245 $315.83   €291.97 19th C Tolewear Sunday School SamovalAnthemion Antiques English Regency Toleware Antique Pastille Burner  English Regency Toleware Antique Pastille BurnerMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Antique Painted Toleware Dish Roses£165 $212.7   €196.63 Antique Painted Toleware Dish RosesRams Head Antiques Antique Painted Toleware Tray Roses£165 $212.7   €196.63 Antique Painted Toleware Tray RosesRams Head Antiques
Victorian Country House Toll Ware Vase  Victorian Country House Toll Ware VaseSturmans Antiques Ltd Edwardian Antique Toleware Tin Housemaid’s Tidy£245 $315.83   €291.97 Edwardian Antique Toleware Tin Housemaid’s TidyMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd A Pair Of Tole Peinte Chestnut Urns And Covers£656.00 $845.65   €781.76 A Pair Of Tole Peinte Chestnut Urns And CoversAlphington Antiques And Fine Art Pair Of Empire Style Tole Jardinières  Pair Of Empire Style Tole JardinièresWillows Antiques & Interiors
Very Rare Pontypool Toleware Tin Toast Rack C1810£225 $290.05   €268.13 Very Rare Pontypool Toleware Tin Toast Rack C1810Cloverleaf Home Interiors English Early 19thC Antique Toleware Chestnut Urn  English Early 19thC Antique Toleware Chestnut UrnMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Painted Toleware Planter With Castellated Top  Painted Toleware Planter With Castellated TopHobson May Collection Painted Toleware Planter With Castellated Top  Painted Toleware Planter With Castellated TopHobson May Collection
Antique Spanish Toleware And Wooden Altar Stand £395 $509.19   €470.72 Antique Spanish Toleware And Wooden Altar Stand Rams Head Antiques 19th Century Decorative Toleware Fruitbowl£550.00 $709.01   €655.44 19th Century Decorative Toleware FruitbowlBlank Canvas Antiques 19th Century Toleware Tray   19th Century Toleware Tray Hobson May Collection English 19th Century Antique Toleware Tea Canister  English 19th Century Antique Toleware Tea CanisterMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
English 19th Century Toleware Antique Nutmeg Box   English 19th Century Toleware Antique Nutmeg Box Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd  Pair Of Large Hand Painted Toleware Tea Canisters  Pair Of Large Hand Painted Toleware Tea CanistersElmgarden Toleware Tobacco Tin£145 $186.92   €172.8 Toleware Tobacco TinNewsum Antiques 19th Century Toleware Tray  19th Century Toleware TrayHobson May Collection
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