Late Victorian Pewter

Found 1070 For Sale and Sold    ( 193 for sale  877 sold )  
Early Heavy Brass  Loud School Bell£85.00 $107.91   €102.71 Early Heavy Brass Loud School BellMelbourne Antiques Art Nouveau Egyptian Style Copper Tray  £35.00 $44.43   €42.29 Art Nouveau Egyptian Style Copper Tray Yore Antiques STOLEN 2017 Art Nouveau Solid Brass Table Planter  STOLEN 2017 Art Nouveau Solid Brass Table PlanterMansion House Antiques & Fine Art Cased Pair Of Art Nouveau Decorative Servers£75.00 $95.21   €90.63 Cased Pair Of Art Nouveau Decorative ServersSlades Antiques
Arts And Crafts / Nouveau Kayserzinn Pewter Jug. C1900 £125 $158.69   €151.05 Arts And Crafts / Nouveau Kayserzinn Pewter Jug. C1900 Art Furniture Keswick School Of Industrial Art Copper Plaque.£420 $533.19   €507.53 Keswick School Of Industrial Art Copper Plaque.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Brass & Copper Charger Lions Antelopes £225.00 $285.64   €271.89 Brass & Copper Charger Lions Antelopes Studio RT Ltd Art Nouveau Jardiniere Fruit Dish Silvered Bronze£140 $177.73   €169.18 Art Nouveau Jardiniere Fruit Dish Silvered BronzeAntiques Affair
Art Nouveau Vide Poche Bronze£120 $152.34   €145.01 Art Nouveau Vide Poche BronzeAntiques Affair Antique Brass Jam Pan£55.00 $69.82   €66.46 Antique Brass Jam PanBarnhill Trading Co. Art Nouveau Copper Container£48.00 $60.94   €58 Art Nouveau Copper ContainerYore Antiques Art Nouveau Brass Crumb Tray By Townshend£65.00 $82.52   €78.55 Art Nouveau Brass Crumb Tray By TownshendBarnhill Trading Co.
Art Nouveau Vide Poche Copper£99 $125.68   €119.63 Art Nouveau Vide Poche CopperAntiques Affair Art Nouveau Vide Poche Copper French£99 $125.68   €119.63 Art Nouveau Vide Poche Copper FrenchAntiques Affair An Arts & Crafts Copper Tray£95.00 $120.6   €114.8 An Arts & Crafts Copper TrayAntiques And Interiors Arts & Crafts Copper Charger£135.00 $171.38   €163.13 Arts & Crafts Copper ChargerBarnhill Trading Co.
Arts & Crafts Jug In Brass£95 $120.6   €114.8 Arts & Crafts Jug In BrassAntiques Affair Late Victorian Indian Brass Wall Charger£140 $177.73   €169.18 Late Victorian Indian Brass Wall ChargerHawthornes Antiques 1920 Jardiniere In Bronze£220 $279.29   €265.85 1920 Jardiniere In BronzeAntiques Affair Classically Decorated Brass Bowl.£175.00 $222.16   €211.47 Classically Decorated Brass Bowl.David South Antiques
Art Nouveau Vase In Copper£90 $114.26   €108.76 Art Nouveau Vase In CopperAntiques Affair Art Nouveau Shop Concierge Bell£95 $120.6   €114.8 Art Nouveau Shop Concierge BellETG Antiques & Decorative Arts Art Nouveau Centre Table/Wall Hanging£130 $165.04   €157.09 Art Nouveau Centre Table/Wall HangingAntiques Affair Art Nouveau Table Brush And Pail£120 $152.34   €145.01 Art Nouveau Table Brush And PailAntiques Affair
Art Nouveau  Jardiniere In Bronze£160 $203.12   €193.34 Art Nouveau Jardiniere In BronzeAntiques Affair Art Nouveau Blackberry Design Copper Dish  Art Nouveau Blackberry Design Copper DishPenrose Antiques Antique Putto Doorstop, English, Brass, Cherub£675 $856.91   €815.67 Antique Putto Doorstop, English, Brass, CherubLondon Fine Antiques Fine English Desk / Counter Bell Dated 1868  Fine English Desk / Counter Bell Dated 1868Puckerings Antiques