20th Century Pewter

Found 925 For Sale and Sold    ( 271 for sale  654 sold )  
Antique Brass Cistern Jardiniere Planter£295 $372.53   €357.69 Antique Brass Cistern Jardiniere PlanterRams Head Antiques Pair Dom Perignon Champagne Pewter Coolers£1250 $1578.5   €1515.63 Pair Dom Perignon Champagne Pewter CoolersCheshire Antiques Consultant Scottie Dog Cast Brass Doorstop  Scottie Dog Cast Brass DoorstopPaul Doran Antiques Rare Table Lighter, Bergman Style, Austrian Spelter£495.00 $625.09   €600.19 Rare Table Lighter, Bergman Style, Austrian SpelterChapmanpugh Modern Antiques
Edwardian Antique Toleware Tin Housemaid’s Tidy£245 $309.39   €297.06 Edwardian Antique Toleware Tin Housemaid’s TidyMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Quality Antique Edwardian Court Tankard £295 $372.53   €357.69 Quality Antique Edwardian Court Tankard Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Brass Bird Cage C1900 With Etched Glass£100 $126.28   €121.25 Antique Brass Bird Cage C1900 With Etched GlassLucian Linnell Vintage Pair Of Small Vintage Posy Vases, Japanese, 1940£595 $751.37   €721.44 Pair Of Small Vintage Posy Vases, Japanese, 1940London Fine Antiques
Large Pair Of Grand Tour ‘Townley Vases’  Large Pair Of Grand Tour ‘Townley Vases’Willows Antiques & Interiors Austrian Cold Painted American Indian "Striker"£175 $220.99   €212.19 Austrian Cold Painted American Indian "Striker"Worboys Antiques And Clocks Archibald Knox For Liberty Pewter & Enamel Tray   Archibald Knox For Liberty Pewter & Enamel Tray Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Quality Pair Of Antique Chinese Bronze Censers £465 $587.2   €563.81 Quality Pair Of Antique Chinese Bronze Censers Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Victorian Cast Brass Pineapple Doorstop  Victorian Cast Brass Pineapple DoorstopPaul Doran Antiques Brass Outdoor Door Bell On Hanging Bracket With Chain Pull  Brass Outdoor Door Bell On Hanging Bracket With Chain PullElmgarden Rare Arts & Crafts Isolde Print In A Copper Frame  Rare Arts & Crafts Isolde Print In A Copper FrameRed House Antiques Minature Cloisonne Dragon Vases   Minature Cloisonne Dragon Vases Vladds Interiors
Art Deco Sculpture Of Gun Dogs C.1930£745 $940.79   €903.31 Art Deco Sculpture Of Gun Dogs C.1930Collinge Antiques Punch And Judy Cast Iron Doorstops  Punch And Judy Cast Iron DoorstopsVladds Interiors Large Brass Jardinière / Planter£395.00 $498.81   €478.94 Large Brass Jardinière / PlanterAthey Antiques Tea Coffee Set Hammered Pewter Abbey 4 Pieces 1930£45.00 $56.83   €54.56 Tea Coffee Set Hammered Pewter Abbey 4 Pieces 1930Proper Vintage Interiors
Alexander Ritchie ? Brass Charger.  Alexander Ritchie ? Brass Charger.Arts And Craft Antiques Newlyn Copper Posy Bowl   Newlyn Copper Posy Bowl Arts And Craft Antiques Imposing Pair Of French Ornamental Lead Vases Base£8900 $11238.92   €10791.25 Imposing Pair Of French Ornamental Lead Vases BaseLoveday Antiques Ltd Pair Of Empire Style Tole Jardinières  Pair Of Empire Style Tole JardinièresWillows Antiques & Interiors
KSIA Collection Of Staybrite Bowls  KSIA Collection Of Staybrite BowlsArt Furniture Tall Vintage Pampas Grass Vase, Indian Enamelled£895 $1130.21   €1085.19 Tall Vintage Pampas Grass Vase, Indian EnamelledLondon Fine Antiques A Fine 19th C Brass Desk Bell£145 $183.11   €175.81 A Fine 19th C Brass Desk BellLincolnshire Antiques Fine Quality Edwardian Hunting Theme Doorstop.  Fine Quality Edwardian Hunting Theme Doorstop.Willows Antiques & Interiors