Mid 19th Century Miscellaneous Metalware
Found 10 For Sale and Sold ( 4 for sale 6 sold )
$467.51 €448.16
Rare Cold Painted Bronze Boar Cigar CutterLytham Antiques & Reclamation
$411.41 €394.38
A 19thc Brass Articulated Fish Roger Grimes Antiques
Pair Of Victorian Cast Iron Horse TethersHobson May Collection
$224.41 €215.12
Antique Iron Dutch Game CrownArt Furniture
$105.97 €101.58
A 19th Century Bronze Incense BurnerAnthony House Antiques
Superb Mid Victorian Cast Bronze LecternSturmans Antiques Ltd
Early 19th Century Iron Spring MantrapChristopher Walker Antiques
Rare 19th C Cast Iron Stick Stand In Gothic StyleMalcolm Eglin Antiques
$43.63 €41.83
Victorian Christmas Tree SnipsWitch Antiques
$79.79 €76.49
Antique Brass Chestnut RoasterAfonwen Antique Centre