Georgian Antique Brass

Found 6015 For Sale and Sold    ( 1076 for sale  4939 sold )  
George III Antique Mahogany Hanging Corner Cabinet£1585 $2043.22   €1888.84 George III Antique Mahogany Hanging Corner CabinetLondon City Antiques Rosewood Sofa Table Circa 1800£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 Rosewood Sofa Table Circa 1800Rumble Antiques A Small Georgian Bow Fronted Chest Of Drawers£885 $1140.85   €1054.65 A Small Georgian Bow Fronted Chest Of DrawersSalisbury Antiques Centre Large Antique George III Copper And Brass Log Bin£1285 $1656.49   €1531.33 Large Antique George III Copper And Brass Log BinLondon City Antiques
18th C Georgian Sheraton Satinwood Sofa Table£3400 $4382.94   €4051.78 18th C Georgian Sheraton Satinwood Sofa TableAnthony Short Antiques Ltd 18th Century Louis XVI French Walnut Commode  £3950 $5091.95   €4707.22 18th Century Louis XVI French Walnut Commode Nimbus Antiques Very Good Georgian Oak Lowboy£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Very Good Georgian Oak LowboyFernyhough Antiques George III Mahogany Linen Press£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 George III Mahogany Linen PressLT Antiques
Georgian Oak Apprentice Mule Chest£275 $354.5   €327.72 Georgian Oak Apprentice Mule ChestKnight Fine Antiques & Collectables Outstanding Georgian Bowed Chest Of Drawers£995 $1282.65   €1185.74 Outstanding Georgian Bowed Chest Of DrawersFernyhough Antiques Antique George III Figured Mahogany Sideboard £11850 $15275.84   €14121.65 Antique George III Figured Mahogany Sideboard London City Antiques Antique George I Quality Oak Livery Cupboard £2850 $3673.94   €3396.35 Antique George I Quality Oak Livery Cupboard London City Antiques
Antique George III Quality Oak Chest Of Drawers £1285 $1656.49   €1531.33 Antique George III Quality Oak Chest Of Drawers London City Antiques 18th C George II Period Mahogany Drop-Leaf Table£1850 $2384.84   €2204.65 18th C George II Period Mahogany Drop-Leaf TableAnthony Short Antiques Ltd Thomas Pace Of London, Georgian Longcase Clock£3450 $4447.4   €4111.37 Thomas Pace Of London, Georgian Longcase ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Antique Mahogany Gentlemans Wardrobe / Linen Press£1685 $2172.13   €2008.01 Antique Mahogany Gentleman's Wardrobe / Linen PressLondon City Antiques
Antique Quality Figured Mahogany Secretaire Desk£2250 $2900.48   €2681.33 Antique Quality Figured Mahogany Secretaire DeskLondon City Antiques Georgian Mahogany Double Top Games Tea Table£775 $999.05   €923.57 Georgian Mahogany Double Top Games Tea TableJohn Howkins Antiques Longcase Clock James Wilson, Westminster£6450.00 $8314.7   €7686.47 Longcase Clock James Wilson, WestminsterSunnyside Antiques Rare George III Period Serpentine Dressing Chest£5995.00 $7728.15   €7144.24 Rare George III Period Serpentine Dressing ChestKnot And Grain Antiques
18th C Georgian Mahogany Bedside Commode£1600 $2062.56   €1906.72 18th C Georgian Mahogany Bedside CommodeAnthony Short Antiques Ltd Large Georgian Oak Dresser£1950 $2513.75   €2323.82 Large Georgian Oak DresserMillers Antiques Of Wooler Antique Mortar And Pestle Duo, English, Brass£985 $1269.76   €1173.82 Antique Mortar And Pestle Duo, English, BrassLondon Fine Antiques Antique George III Quality Figured Mahogany Lowboy£1885 $2429.95   €2246.35 Antique George III Quality Figured Mahogany LowboyLondon City Antiques
Antique Duck Roasting Pan, English, Bronze£595 $767.01   €709.06 Antique Duck Roasting Pan, English, BronzeLondon Fine Antiques Antique George II Mahogany Bureau Bookcase£3850 $4963.04   €4588.05 Antique George II Mahogany Bureau BookcaseLondon City Antiques Georgian Mahogany Plate Bucket£2450 $3158.3   €2919.67 Georgian Mahogany Plate BucketLeslie And Baggott 18th Century Walnut Bureau£1550 $1998.11   €1847.14 18th Century Walnut BureauMartlesham Antiques