Georgian Antique Brass

Found 6015 For Sale and Sold    ( 1076 for sale  4939 sold )  
18th Century Oyster Wood Chest Of Drawers£3850 $4963.04   €4588.05 18th Century Oyster Wood Chest Of DrawersMartlesham Antiques George III Rosewood Games Table£2250 $2900.48   €2681.33 George III Rosewood Games TableGeorgian Antiques Georgian Mahogany Small Chest Of Drawers£1985 $2558.86   €2365.52 Georgian Mahogany Small Chest Of DrawersHavard And Havard Georgian Mahogany Chest Of Drawers£1950 $2513.75   €2323.82 Georgian Mahogany Chest Of DrawersLeslie And Baggott
Georgian Oak Side Table Or Writing Table£675 $870.14   €804.4 Georgian Oak Side Table Or Writing TableElmgarden  English 19th C. Copper Coffee Pot.£245 $315.83   €291.97 English 19th C. Copper Coffee Pot.Michael Allcroft Antiques 18th C Dutch Walnut Cabinet Armoire£2900 $3738.39   €3455.93 18th C Dutch Walnut Cabinet ArmoireAnthony Short Antiques Ltd 18th C French Provincial Walnut Commode£1950 $2513.75   €2323.82 18th C French Provincial Walnut CommodeAnthony Short Antiques Ltd
Antique 3 Tier Whatnot, English,£1495 $1927.2   €1781.59 Antique 3 Tier Whatnot, English,London Fine Antiques Eighteenth Century Enamel Patch Box £895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Eighteenth Century Enamel Patch Box Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre John Jackson London Longcase Clock£2950 $3802.85   €3515.52 John Jackson London Longcase ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Chippendale Period Secretaire Chest On Chest£4500 $5800.95   €5362.65 Chippendale Period Secretaire Chest On ChestGeorgian Antiques
18th C Georgian Mahogany Chest Of Drawers£1200 $1546.92   €1430.04 18th C Georgian Mahogany Chest Of DrawersAnthony Short Antiques Ltd 18th Century Rare Mahogany Mule Chest£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 18th Century Rare Mahogany Mule ChestLT Antiques George III Mahogany Centre Table£1295 $1669.38   €1543.25 George III Mahogany Centre TableWalton House Antiques George III Mahogany Bracket Clock C1800.£7950 $10248.35   €9474.02 George III Mahogany Bracket Clock C1800.The Chimes
 English 18th Century  Walnut Toilet Mirror. £475 $612.32   €566.06 English 18th Century Walnut Toilet Mirror. Michael Allcroft Antiques Pair Of Brass George III Girandoles£650 $837.92   €774.61 Pair Of Brass George III GirandolesFrontsideout Antique Figural Doorstop, English, Brass£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Antique Figural Doorstop, English, BrassLondon Fine Antiques Country Oak Desk Lid Opens To Writing Desk 1780£885 $1140.85   €1054.65 Country Oak Desk Lid Opens To Writing Desk 1780Trade Antiques
19th Century Inlaid Mahogany Bowfront Sideboard£3350 $4318.49   €3992.2 19th Century Inlaid Mahogany Bowfront SideboardMartlesham Antiques Late Georgian Satinwood Pembroke Table  Late Georgian Satinwood Pembroke TablePiers Pisani Antiques Late 18thc. Mahogany Serpentine Chest Of Drawers£2500 $3222.75   €2979.25 Late 18thc. Mahogany Serpentine Chest Of DrawersPiers Pisani Antiques A Fine Mahogany Long Case Clock£4950 $6381.05   €5898.92 A Fine Mahogany Long Case ClockGravener Antiques
George III Oak Snaptop Table£500 $644.55   €595.85 George III Oak Snaptop TableGeorgian Antiques 18th Century Dutch Marquetry Walnut Bureau£4750 $6123.23   €5660.58 18th Century Dutch Marquetry Walnut BureauCamden Antiques Pair Of Georgian Mahogany Adjustable Candle Stands£950 $1224.65   €1132.12 Pair Of Georgian Mahogany Adjustable Candle StandsHarveys Antiques George III Mahogany Metamorphic Library Steps / Table £12500 $16113.75   €14896.25 George III Mahogany Metamorphic Library Steps / Table Harveys Antiques