Antique and Vintage Jewellery

Found 9952 For Sale and Sold    ( 2038 for sale  7914 sold )  
A Beautiful Brooch Set With Rubies & Pearls£195 $246.25   €236.44 A Beautiful Brooch Set With Rubies & PearlsMillbrook Antiques Art Nouveau 9ct Pendant£195 $246.25   €236.44 Art Nouveau 9ct PendantMillbrook Antiques  9ct Rose Gold Albert Chain£840.00 $1060.75   €1018.5 9ct Rose Gold Albert ChainWoodys Antiques Ruby Stick Pin£96 $121.23   €116.4 Ruby Stick PinMillbrook Antiques
Horse Shoe Stick Pin £80 $101.02   €97 Horse Shoe Stick Pin Millbrook Antiques Gold Vesta  Case 1897£540.00 $681.91   €654.75 Gold Vesta Case 1897Woodys Antiques Large Amethyst Ring£160.00 $202.05   €194 Large Amethyst RingWoodys Antiques Amethyst Gold Ring£130.00 $164.16   €157.63 Amethyst Gold RingWoodys Antiques
Diamond Eternity Ring£250 $315.7   €303.13 Diamond Eternity RingMillbrook Antiques Sapphire & Diamond Ring£145 $183.11   €175.81 Sapphire & Diamond RingMillbrook Antiques Running Fox Brooch By Piaget£2350 $2967.58   €2849.38 Running Fox Brooch By PiagetVaughan Antiques Madeira Citrine Bracelet£2450 $3093.86   €2970.63 Madeira Citrine BraceletVaughan Antiques
Diamond Eternity Ring In Platinum C1920s£1250 $1578.5   €1515.63 Diamond Eternity Ring In Platinum C1920sVaughan Antiques Citrine Cocktail Ring  C1950s 18 Carat Yellow Gold£650 $820.82   €788.13 Citrine Cocktail Ring C1950s 18 Carat Yellow GoldVaughan Antiques Diamond Cluster Ring With Marquise Diamonds£1250 $1578.5   €1515.63 Diamond Cluster Ring With Marquise DiamondsVaughan Antiques Art Deco Diamond Ring C1920£1950 $2462.46   €2364.38 Art Deco Diamond Ring C1920Vaughan Antiques
Edwardian Diamond Twist Ring C1910£1600 $2020.48   €1940 Edwardian Diamond Twist Ring C1910Vaughan Antiques 5 Stone Diamond Ring In Platinum C1935£850 $1073.38   €1030.63 5 Stone Diamond Ring In Platinum C1935Vaughan Antiques Pink Tourmaline And Diamond Ring In Platinum C1950£1900 $2399.32   €2303.75 Pink Tourmaline And Diamond Ring In Platinum C1950Vaughan Antiques Vintage Silver & Lapiz Honey Bee Bug Earrings£49 $61.88   €59.41 Vintage Silver & Lapiz Honey Bee Bug EarringsLavender Hill Antiques
Vintage Beetle Bug Brooch Pin £39 $49.25   €47.29 Vintage Beetle Bug Brooch Pin Lavender Hill Antiques Diamond Bombe Cluster Ring C1930£1850 $2336.18   €2243.13 Diamond Bombe Cluster Ring C1930Vaughan Antiques Ruby And Diamond Cluster Ring£1850 $2336.18   €2243.13 Ruby And Diamond Cluster RingVaughan Antiques Zircon And Diamond Ring C1950£1750 $2209.9   €2121.88 Zircon And Diamond Ring C1950Vaughan Antiques
Ruby And Diamond Cocktail Ring £1600 $2020.48   €1940 Ruby And Diamond Cocktail Ring Vaughan Antiques 1950s Reverse Carved Lucite Brooch Pin£29 $36.62   €35.16 1950's Reverse Carved Lucite Brooch PinLavender Hill Antiques Vintage Art Deco Butterfly Wing Geisha Girl Brooch£49 $61.88   €59.41 Vintage Art Deco Butterfly Wing Geisha Girl BroochLavender Hill Antiques Vintage Art Deco Bakelite Scotty Dog Brooch£34 $42.94   €41.23 Vintage Art Deco Bakelite Scotty Dog BroochLavender Hill Antiques