Bronze Busts and Figures

Found 165 For Sale and Sold    ( 71 for sale  94 sold )  
Art Nouveau Patinated Bronze Bust Villanis C1890£2275 $2932.7   €2711.12 Art Nouveau Patinated Bronze Bust Villanis C1890Antique Ethos Large Tibetan  Bronze Temple Statue Of Tara,c1890£995 $1282.65   €1185.74 Large Tibetan Bronze Temple Statue Of Tara,c1890Curious Antiques Roaring Twenties Grand Touring Cars Mascot£995 $1282.65   €1185.74 Roaring Twenties Grand Touring Cars MascotSovereign Antiques Pair Signed Faberge 1912 Russian Bodygaurd Statues£40000 $51564   €47668 Pair Signed Faberge 1912 Russian Bodygaurd StatuesWimbledon Furniture Ltd
Antique Tibetan Or Nepalese Gilt Bronze Buddha£485 $625.21   €577.97 Antique Tibetan Or Nepalese Gilt Bronze BuddhaABW Antiques 19th Century American Bronze Sculpture£1315 $1695.17   €1567.09 19th Century American Bronze SculptureDesign Art Nature Cast Bronze Of Diane Do Gabries£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 Cast Bronze Of Diane Do GabriesChurch Street Antiques A Small Antique Bronze Bust Of Dionysus£1800 $2320.38   €2145.06 A Small Antique Bronze Bust Of DionysusWestland London
Fine Quality 19thc Small Bronze Bust Of A Child£425.00 $547.87   €506.47 Fine Quality 19thc Small Bronze Bust Of A ChildLVS Decorative Arts Bronze Bust, Ariadne £475 $612.32   €566.06 Bronze Bust, Ariadne Aylmer Fine Art Bronze Sculpture Of Apollo£350 $451.19   €417.1 Bronze Sculpture Of ApolloBelle Antiques French Maiden Painted Bronze By Henry Wissen£1875 $2417.06   €2234.44 French Maiden Painted Bronze By Henry WissenMansion House Antiques & Fine Art
Jean Louis Grigorie  - Bronze Bust On Marble Plinth£795 $1024.83   €947.4 Jean Louis Grigorie - Bronze Bust On Marble PlinthAylmer Fine Art Barbedienne Bronze Bust Of A Youth£245 $315.83   €291.97 Barbedienne Bronze Bust Of A YouthAylmer Fine Art Art Nouveau Bronze And Marble£860. $1108.63   €1024.86 Art Nouveau Bronze And MarbleClassic Antiques A French Bronze Bust Of A Gentelman Dated 1865  £445 $573.65   €530.31 A French Bronze Bust Of A Gentelman Dated 1865 Beech And Springs Antiques
Vintage Brutalist Bronze Fish Sculpture£575 $741.23   €685.23 Vintage Brutalist Bronze Fish SculptureMarylebone Antiques Large (6kg) Indian Bronze Horse Head Statue, C1890£595 $767.01   €709.06 Large (6kg) Indian Bronze Horse Head Statue, C1890Curious Antiques Pair Large (40kg) Indian Bronze Statues,c1890£1295 $1669.38   €1543.25 Pair Large (40kg) Indian Bronze Statues,c1890Curious Antiques Huge (104cm) Indian Bronze Goddess Statue, C1880£1495 $1927.2   €1781.59 Huge (104cm) Indian Bronze Goddess Statue, C1880Curious Antiques
Pair Of Antique Decorative Figures, French £965 $1243.98   €1149.99 Pair Of Antique Decorative Figures, French London Fine Antiques Large (4.6kg) African Benin Bronze Idia Bust,c1950£875 $1127.96   €1042.74 Large (4.6kg) African Benin Bronze Idia Bust,c1950Curious Antiques Early Ninetenth Century Italian Bronze Bust£880 $1134.41   €1048.7 Early Ninetenth Century Italian Bronze BustChapman Antiques Art Deco Bronze Figure Girl Playing With Goats  Art Deco Bronze Figure Girl Playing With GoatsSchool House Antiques
Art Deco Sculpture Amazon By Pierre Le Faguays   Art Deco Sculpture Amazon By Pierre Le Faguays School House Antiques Vintage Art Deco Revival Statue, French, Bronze£1950 $2513.75   €2323.82 Vintage Art Deco Revival Statue, French, BronzeLondon Fine Antiques Small Antique Portrait Bust, Austrian, Bronze£845 $1089.29   €1006.99 Small Antique Portrait Bust, Austrian, BronzeLondon Fine Antiques Large (6.8kg) Thai Bronze Buddha, C1930£695 $895.92   €828.23 Large (6.8kg) Thai Bronze Buddha, C1930Curious Antiques