19th Century Busts and Figures
Found 802 For Sale and Sold ( 264 for sale 538 sold )
$2367.94 €2261.63
French Maiden Painted Bronze By Henry WissenMansion House Antiques & Fine Art
$606.19 €578.98
19th Century Chinese Root CarvingMartlesham Antiques
$2841.53 €2713.95
Black Forest CarvingMartlesham Antiques
$404.13 €385.98
Auguste Moreau SculptureAntique Stourfinder
$94.72 €90.47
Continental Parian Figure Of A DandyTwojays Corner Antiques
$2336.37 €2231.47
Italian Marble Relief Sculpture Head And ShoulderY Not Antiques
$1004.01 €958.93
Jean Louis Grigorie - Bronze Bust On Marble PlinthAylmer Fine Art
$309.41 €295.52
Barbedienne Bronze Bust Of A YouthAylmer Fine Art
$477.38 €455.94
Delph Mr. Punch Stuart House Antiques
Superb Goldsheider FigureLP Antiques
$530.42 €506.6
Parian FigureThe Swan At Tetsworth Antiques Centre
$530.42 €506.6
Parian FigureThe Swan At Tetsworth Antiques Centre
$4666.42 €4456.91
3 X 19th Century Memento Mori Antler Carved BustsDreams Less Sweet Antiques
$625.14 €597.07
Large Metal Statue Embracing Putti / Cherubs,c1820Curious Antiques
Parian Bust Of Prince Albert Edward By CopelandPrometheus Antiques
$189.44 €180.93
19th Century Large Bretby Terracotta Boy MusicianKnight Fine Antiques & Collectables
$625.14 €597.07
Portrait Bust Of A Young Woman C.1890Collinge Antiques
$1243.96 €1188.11
Heavy Antique Putto Figure, Italian, LeadLondon Fine Antiques
Grand Tour Egyptian Faience Shabti On Marble BaseHarrington Antiques
$751.43 €717.69
Large (6kg) Indian Bronze Horse Head Statue, C1890Curious Antiques
$1635.46 €1562.03
Pair Large (40kg) Indian Bronze Statues,c1890Curious Antiques
$1888.04 €1803.27
Huge (104cm) Indian Bronze Goddess Statue, C1880Curious Antiques
$296.78 €283.46
Plaster Bust Of Greek God, ZeusPelican Antiques
$877.72 €838.31
Large Plaster Bust Of A Gentleman C.1890Collinge Antiques
$1243.96 €1188.11
Antique Carved Cherub Figure, Italian, MarbleLondon Fine Antiques
$435.7 €416.14
Quality Antique Victorian Spelter Figure Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$113.66 €108.56
Late 19th Century Cast Iron Elephant FigureBilly Hunt
19thC Art Union Of London Parian Bust Of ApolloHarrington Antiques