French Antique Spelter

Found 42246 For Sale and Sold    ( 7915 for sale  34331 sold )  
Writing Table  Writing TableBarnhill Trading Co. Coffee Table  Coffee TableBarnhill Trading Co. Butchers Block  Butchers BlockBarnhill Trading Co. Marquise De Salvo  Marquise De SalvoJWS Art
D. Girard Oil Painting  D. Girard Oil PaintingJWS Art Gilt Overmantle/wall Mirror£295 $368.99   €355 Gilt Overmantle/wall MirrorLimited Editions Mantle Clock  Mantle ClockCove Clocks Modern Design Chrome Chair£495.00 $619.15   €595.68 Modern Design Chrome Chair3 Church Street Antiques (Finedon)
Mirror£135 $168.86   €162.46 MirrorFrench Style Interiors Gilt Mirror£250 $312.7   €300.85 Gilt MirrorFrench Style Interiors Chair£185 $231.4   €222.63 ChairFrench Style Interiors French Painted Chair£185 $231.4   €222.63 French Painted ChairFrench Style Interiors
French Pot Cabinet£225 $281.43   €270.77 French Pot CabinetFrench Style Interiors French Double Bed£500 $625.4   €601.7 French Double BedFrench Style Interiors 10 Seater Walnut Table£2350 $2939.38   €2827.99 10 Seater Walnut TableLimited Editions Eugene Chaffanel Oil Painting£550.00 $687.94   €661.87 Eugene Chaffanel Oil PaintingJWS Art
19th Century Rosewood Card Table£260.00 $325.21   €312.88 19th Century Rosewood Card TableSutton Antieks 19thC  Arm/library Chair  19thC Arm/library ChairLimited Editions Quantity Of French Wine Jars  Quantity Of French Wine JarsM&G Basset Pine And Decorative Items French Bamboo Hallstand  French Bamboo HallstandM&G Basset Pine And Decorative Items
French Pine Buffet  French Pine BuffetM&G Basset Pine And Decorative Items French Shop Fitting  French Shop FittingM&G Basset Pine And Decorative Items Pine Marriage Armoire  Pine Marriage ArmoireM&G Basset Pine And Decorative Items French Wine Cage  French Wine CageM&G Basset Pine And Decorative Items
French Pine Armoire  French Pine ArmoireM&G Basset Pine And Decorative Items Louis XV French Painted Bed  Louis XV French Painted BedM&G Basset Pine And Decorative Items French Hook Rack  French Hook RackM&G Basset Pine And Decorative Items Small French Buffet  Small French BuffetM&G Basset Pine And Decorative Items