Antique Bronze Figures

Found 893 For Sale and Sold    ( 282 for sale  611 sold )  
Bronze Of A 1950s Lady Drawing Water£250 $323.58   €298 Bronze Of A 1950's Lady Drawing WaterGemaware Bronze Faun Of Pompeii£325 $420.65   €387.4 Bronze Faun Of PompeiiAylmer Fine Art Bronze Boy With Shell£580 $750.69   €691.36 Bronze Boy With ShellMiddletons Antiques Cold Painted Bronze Of Native Boy On Tigerskin.  Cold Painted Bronze Of Native Boy On Tigerskin.Goodwin Antiques
Cassandra - Cabinet Bronze By Barbedienne £285.00 $368.88   €339.72 Cassandra - Cabinet Bronze By Barbedienne Aylmer Fine Art Pair French Empire Silvered Bronze Figures£995 $1287.83   €1186.04 Pair French Empire Silvered Bronze FiguresCarse Antiques Art Nouveau Bronze£395.00 $511.25   €470.84 Art Nouveau BronzeAylmer Fine Art Cold Painted Bronze Blackamoor  Cold Painted Bronze BlackamoorTwojays Corner Antiques
Art Deco Bronze Lady Dancer On A Marble Socle£385.00 $498.31   €458.92 Art Deco Bronze Lady Dancer On A Marble SocleMelbourne Antiques After Emmanuel Villanis Patinated Bronze Bust£375 $485.36   €447 After Emmanuel Villanis Patinated Bronze BustJohn Austin Antiques Bronze Cold Painted Blackamoor  Bronze Cold Painted BlackamoorTwojays Corner Antiques Pair Cold Painted Bronze Blackamoors  Pair Cold Painted Bronze BlackamoorsTwojays Corner Antiques
19th Century Bronze Military Figure£2350 $3041.61   €2801.2 19th Century Bronze Military FigureQuillon Antiques Le Faguays - Art Deco Bronze   Le Faguays - Art Deco Bronze Aylmer Fine Art Leda And The Swan - 19th Century - Bronze£395 $511.25   €470.84 Leda And The Swan - 19th Century - BronzeAylmer Fine Art Art Deco Bronze Of A Lady With Baskets Of Grapes  Art Deco Bronze Of A Lady With Baskets Of GrapesHobson May Collection
19th Century Grand Tour Faun Of Pompeii £165 $213.56   €196.68 19th Century Grand Tour Faun Of Pompeii Aylmer Fine Art Grand Tour Bronze Sphinx£380.00 $491.83   €452.96 Grand Tour Bronze SphinxAylmer Fine Art Pair Of 18th Cent  Bronzes Rousseau And Voltaire£595.00 $770.11   €709.24 Pair Of 18th Cent Bronzes Rousseau And VoltaireAylmer Fine Art French Gilt Bronze Cherub Listening To A Heart  French Gilt Bronze Cherub Listening To A HeartPrometheus Antiques
Pair Of Bronze Gentlemen£2650 $3429.9   €3158.8 Pair Of Bronze GentlemenGeorgian Antiques French Victorian Bronze Candelabra£240 $310.63   €286.08 French Victorian Bronze CandelabraAntiques At The Mill 19th Century Bronze Cupid Valentine  19th Century Bronze Cupid ValentineWestbank Antiques A Pair Of Small Bronze Classical Figures£750 $970.73   €894 A Pair Of Small Bronze Classical FiguresFine And Decorative
Miniature Bronze Infant Holding A Bunch Of Grapes£58 $75.07   €69.14 Miniature Bronze Infant Holding A Bunch Of GrapesRobert Lunn Antiques Bronze Figure Of Guanyin£155 $200.62   €184.76 Bronze Figure Of GuanyinRobert Lunn Antiques Antique Joseph Marius Ramus Bronze Sculpture£1100.00 $1423.73   €1311.2 Antique Joseph Marius Ramus Bronze SculptureSlades Antiques French Grand Tour Bronze Of Jason £475.00 $614.79   €566.2 French Grand Tour Bronze Of Jason Aylmer Fine Art