Satinwood Antique Banjo Barometers

Found 23 For Sale and Sold    ( 7 for sale  16 sold )  
Antique Quality Mahogany Inlaid Banjo Barometer£1050 $1353.56   €1251.29 Antique Quality Mahogany Inlaid Banjo BarometerLondon City Antiques Antique 18th Century Mahogany Banjo Barometer£1195 $1540.47   €1424.08 Antique 18th Century Mahogany Banjo BarometerLondon City Antiques Antique George III Mahogany Banjo Barometer£1185 $1527.58   €1412.16 Antique George III Mahogany Banjo BarometerLondon City Antiques Antique George III Mahogany Banjo Barometer£1150 $1482.47   €1370.46 Antique George III Mahogany Banjo BarometerLondon City Antiques
George III Mahogany Banjo Barometer£1125 $1450.24   €1340.66 George III Mahogany Banjo BarometerLondon City Antiques George III Mahogany Banjo Barometer £1085 $1398.67   €1292.99 George III Mahogany Banjo Barometer London City Antiques Antique Georgian Mahogany Banjo Barometer£995 $1282.65   €1185.74 Antique Georgian Mahogany Banjo BarometerLondon City Antiques Antique Quality Mahogany Banjo Barometer£1225 $1579.15   €1459.83 Antique Quality Mahogany Banjo BarometerLondon City Antiques
Edwardian Period Sheraton Inlaid Banjo Barometer  Edwardian Period Sheraton Inlaid Banjo BarometerSturmans Antiques Ltd Victorian Quality Rosewood Inlaid Banjo Barometer£825 $1063.51   €983.15 Victorian Quality Rosewood Inlaid Banjo BarometerLondon City Antiques Antique George III Mahogany Inlaid Banjo Barometer£1185 $1527.58   €1412.16 Antique George III Mahogany Inlaid Banjo BarometerLondon City Antiques Small Antique Sheraton Inlaid Banjo Barometer  Small Antique Sheraton Inlaid Banjo BarometerSturmans Antiques Ltd
  George III Antique Mahogany Banjo Barometer £1185 $1527.58   €1412.16 George III Antique Mahogany Banjo Barometer London City Antiques Antique Georgian Inlaid Mahogany Banjo Barometer £1085 $1398.67   €1292.99 Antique Georgian Inlaid Mahogany Banjo Barometer London City Antiques Antique Georgian Mahogany Banjo Barometer£995 $1282.65   €1185.74 Antique Georgian Mahogany Banjo BarometerLondon City Antiques George III Inlaid Mahogany Banjo Barometer£1385 $1785.4   €1650.5 George III Inlaid Mahogany Banjo BarometerLondon City Antiques
A Georgian Banjo Barometer Signed Lombardini£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 A Georgian Banjo Barometer Signed LombardiniAnthony Wilkinson Decorative Antiques Small Antique Sheraton Inlaid Banjo Barometer  Small Antique Sheraton Inlaid Banjo BarometerSturmans Antiques Ltd Antique Sheraton Inlaid Banjo Barometer  Antique Sheraton Inlaid Banjo BarometerSturmans Antiques Ltd Mid Victorian Rosewood Inlaid Banjo Barometer  Mid Victorian Rosewood Inlaid Banjo BarometerSturmans Antiques Ltd
Small Edwardian Sheraton Inlaid Banjo Barometer  Small Edwardian Sheraton Inlaid Banjo BarometerSturmans Antiques Ltd Superb Edwardian Sheraton Inlaid Banjo Barometer£349 $449.9   €415.9 Superb Edwardian Sheraton Inlaid Banjo BarometerSturmans Antiques Ltd Mahogany And Inlaid Aneroid Barometer£ 440 $567.2   €524.35 Mahogany And Inlaid Aneroid BarometerWorboys Antiques And Clocks  