Mahogany Antique Stick Barometers

Found 192 For Sale and Sold    ( 29 for sale  163 sold )  
Amadio, London Stick Barometer£865 $1115.07   €1030.82 Amadio, London Stick BarometerKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Bate Of London, Marine Stick Barometer£975 $1256.87   €1161.91 Bate Of London, Marine Stick BarometerKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Stick Barometer By Antony Capo - Belfast.£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 Stick Barometer By Antony Capo - Belfast.Fairford Barn Antiques Georgian Stick Barometer£750 $966.83   €893.78 Georgian Stick BarometerFrank Craig Antiques
Georgian Ronchetti Of Holborn Barometer£995.00 $1282.65   €1185.74 Georgian Ronchetti Of Holborn BarometerTerrier Antiques At Hebden Bridge Marine Mahogany Stick Barometer 1800s £250 $322.28   €297.93 Marine Mahogany Stick Barometer 1800's Sovereign Antiques Early 19th Century Mahogany Stick Barometer By Tagliaue£1850 $2384.84   €2204.65 Early 19th Century Mahogany Stick Barometer By TagliaueMartlesham Antiques Regency Stick Barometer By Sandrino Of Liverpool£2750 $3545.03   €3277.18 Regency Stick Barometer By Sandrino Of LiverpoolP.A.Oxley Antique Clocks
Long Range Barometer By Negretti & Zambra£2200.00 $2836.02   €2621.74 Long Range Barometer By Negretti & ZambraJason Clarke Antiques Eighteenth Century Stick Barometer By Gilbert£1595.00 $2056.11   €1900.76 Eighteenth Century Stick Barometer By GilbertJason Clarke Antiques Rare Stick Barometer Weather Station By Solomons£2750.00 $3545.03   €3277.18 Rare Stick Barometer Weather Station By SolomonsJason Clarke Antiques Angelo Lovi George III Mahogany Stick Barometer £2500 $3222.75   €2979.25 Angelo Lovi George III Mahogany Stick Barometer Tyne Antiques
Rare Angle Barometer By Aiano Of London£4850 $6252.14   €5779.75 Rare Angle Barometer By Aiano Of LondonKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Baptista Ronchetti & Co, Manchester, C.1790.£3350 $4318.49   €3992.2 Baptista Ronchetti & Co, Manchester, C.1790.Hg Barometers Adams, Fleet Street, London. C.1790.£2450 $3158.3   €2919.67 Adams, Fleet Street, London. C.1790.Hg Barometers George Adams, London. C.1787-1795.£4250 $5478.68   €5064.73 George Adams, London. C.1787-1795.Hg Barometers
Mahogany Stick Barometery£390.00 $502.75   €464.76 Mahogany Stick BarometeryHarts Antiques Kingwood And Mahogany Stick Barometer By Dollond.£2950 $3802.85   €3515.52 Kingwood And Mahogany Stick Barometer By Dollond.Hg Barometers Impressive Bowfront Barometer, Newman, London.£5950 $7670.15   €7090.62 Impressive Bowfront Barometer, Newman, London.Hg Barometers Rare Mahogany & Walnut Georgian Stick Barometer£4450 $5736.5   €5303.07 Rare Mahogany & Walnut Georgian Stick BarometerHg Barometers
Early Georgian Bowfront Barometer, C.1780-90£4250 $5478.68   €5064.73 Early Georgian Bowfront Barometer, C.1780-90Hg Barometers Good George III Stick Barometer, Nairne, London£3250 $4189.58   €3873.03 Good George III Stick Barometer, Nairne, LondonHg Barometers Rare 19thC. Mahogany Angle Barometer, L.Bellatti.£7950 $10248.35   €9474.02 Rare 19thC. Mahogany Angle Barometer, L.Bellatti.Hg Barometers Fine Georgian Stick Barometer. C.1800-10£3450 $4447.4   €4111.37 Fine Georgian Stick Barometer. C.1800-10Hg Barometers
Mahogany Stick Barometer By T.Knight£2750 $3545.03   €3277.18 Mahogany Stick Barometer By T.KnightThe Clock Work Shop Winchester Salteri, Nottingham. C1815.  Salteri, Nottingham. C1815.Hg Barometers Gilbert And Co. Mahogany Stick Barometer£3650 $4705.22   €4349.71 Gilbert And Co. Mahogany Stick BarometerThe Clock Work Shop Winchester Stick Barometer£2500 $3222.75   €2979.25 Stick BarometerCove Clocks