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Victorian Cased Travelling Thermometer by Dollond

Victorian Cased Travelling Thermometer by Dollond thermometer  barograph barometer %%alt5%%
A superb mid nineteenth century maroon leather and velvet cased travelling thermometer by Dollond of London.

The thermometer back is constructed from bone and provides both Fahrenheit and the French Reaumur readings to either side.

The renowned Dollond company was set up in Hatton Garden in 1750 by Peter Dollond with his father John joining him shortly after. John Dollond’s invention of the achromatic lens led to his award of the Copley Medal by The Royal Society in 1758 and following this success, Dollond moved to The Strand where the company was appointed optician to George III and the Duke of York in 1761.

Following the deaths of John and Peter Dollond, the name continued to be associated with royalty and went on to win a Great Exhibition Medal for “instruments for recording meteorological information on a strip of paper” (barographs). The final Dollond family member to run the company was William Dollond who sold out to a JR Chant in 1871. He continued to use the company name until was acquired by James Aitchison in 1927 whereafter it became Dollond & Aitchison. In 2009 it became part of Boots the Opticians.
£0  UK
$0.00  USA
0.00  EU
 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 20/FEB/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
Category Antique Desk Accessories Period Mid Victorian Antiques Material Bone Origin English Maker Dollond Item code as542a281 / 473 Status Sold

SellerJason Clarke Antiques

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Jason Clarke AntiquesPrivate dealer
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Tel : 07815 046645

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Victorian Cased Travelling Thermometer by Dollond
as542a281 / 473



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