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Silver Plate and Cut Crystal Lemon Squeezer c.1907

Silver Plate and Cut Crystal Lemon Squeezer c.1907 Antique  English Silver %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
I have never seen one of these before, certainly a rare piece by a highly sought-after silversmith, Hukin and Heath.

This fabulous barware piece is made from quality EPNS (Electro - Plated Nickel Silver) and the reamer made from hand-cut crystal, a fabulous combination. There is a drainer below the reamer to collect any pips.

The underside has the full mark for Hukin and Heath and is lucky enough to have a design registration number allowing us to date it accurately to 1907, Edwardian in era.

Superb condition, measuring 6 3/4" x 4 3/4" x 4" tall.

Item ID:39602
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Category Antique Silver Plated Date c.1907  Edwardian Antiques Material Silver Plate Origin English Item code as584a1602 / 39602 Status Sold

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Silver Plate and Cut Crystal Lemon Squeezer c.1907
as584a1602 / 39602



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