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Oil Painting Ganymede and Zeus Manner of Domenico

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Oil Painting Ganymede and Zeus Manner of Domenico %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
This is a fabulous oil painting dating from the early 19th Century depicting Ganymede and Zeus as an eagle.
According to Greek Mythology Ganymedes (Ganymede) was a handsome Trojan prince who was carried off to heaven by Zeus in the shape of an eagle where he was appointed as cup-bearer of the gods. Ganymedes was also placed amongst the stars as the constellation Aquarius, his ambrosial mixing cup as Crater, and the eagle as Aquila.
Ganymedes was often portrayed as the god of homosexual love and as such appears as a playmate of the love-gods Eros (Love) and Hymenaeus (Marital Love).

The painting is very much in the manner of Domenico Zampieri, Italian (1581 - 1641). It has at some point been fully restored, relined and cleaned and as such it is in excellent condition. It has a deep gilt frame which suits it well and is therefore ready to hang. The picture is of good size the measurements are 64 cms by 54 cms to include the frame.

UK delivery is £25
£1450.00  UK
$1843.82  USA
1751.60  EU
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 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 4/MAR/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
Category Antique Pictures / Engravings / Art > Antique Oil Paintings Period Early 19th Century Antiques Item code as623a3085 Status For Sale

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Oil Painting Ganymede and Zeus Manner of Domenico



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