Contact Seller Charles Wild Antiques Tel07733 722838Please quote Antiques Atlas.
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NEW 1950's vulcanise fibreboard suite case

 NEW 1950s vulcanise fibreboard suite case Vulcanised  fibre board 1950s suite %%alt5%%
A NEW / OLD suite case, never used, left in the M O D stores for years wrapped in brown paper when found. No marks or worn in any way. On un wrapping found stamped in the board the words " post office," ( what they were doing in the M O D stores is any ones guess )
Made from vulcanised fibre board. Cast iron drop down handle, 2 catches, not made to lock. The corners are reinforced, small.
There a 3 for sale. Price shown is for each. All the same size, colour and in mint condition.
£69.00  UK
$87.22  USA
83.27  EU
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 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 20/FEB/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
 cash, cheques, bank payments, all welcome, sorry no on line payments.
Dimensions16" long, 12" wide, 5" high, Category Antique and Vintage Luggage and Trunks Date 1950's  1950s Antiques Material Card Origin English Condition As new, new / old stock, un marked, beautiful condition. Item code as563a070 / MR6 Status For Sale

SellerCharles Wild Antiques

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Charles Wild Antiques

Charles Wild AntiquesBy appointment only
West Yorkshire
England, UK

Tel : 07733 722838

Non UK callers : +44 7733 722838
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Enquire directly to Charles Wild Antiques about this item here.

NEW 1950's vulcanise fibreboard suite case
as563a070 / MR6



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