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French School Madonna c1750 Agulhon Oil Painting

French School Madonna c1750 Agulhon Oil Painting %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
French School c1750 Madonna Agulhon
A mid 18th century French School depiction of the Virgin Mary, inscribed verso “Agulhon” in Roman capitals.

Purchased at auction in France as an 18th century painting, copy invoice available to purchaser.

On original canvas with craquelure to the paint surface. Repair bottom left and some overpainting on the bottom edge. The frame is not original and is 19th century.
32cm x 24cm (49cm x 41cm framed)
12.5 x 9.5 inches (19 x 16 inches framed)
£895.00  UK
$1130.21  USA
1085.19  EU
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1. Payment is required within 7 calendar days of sale. If payment is not received within this time, Fox Fine Art reserves the right to consider the transaction void.

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Category Antique Pictures / Engravings / Art > Antique Oil Paintings Date 1750  Mid 18th Century Antiques Material Oil Painting on Canvas Origin French Maker French School Item code as868a468 / 11703 Status For Sale

SellerFox Fine Art

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Fox Fine ArtPrivate dealer
By appointment only
Holywell, Flintshire
North Wales

Tel : 01745570477
or : 07966 016492

Non UK callers : +44 1745570477 or +44 7966 016492
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French School Madonna c1750 Agulhon Oil Painting
as868a468 / 11703



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