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Battle of Britain Original Paul Nash Lithograph Print

Battle of Britain Original Paul Nash Lithograph Print %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
Battle of Britain Lithograph - Paul Nash (1889-1946)

This original lithograph, after the original oil painting, was published by the National Gallery in 1941 and produced at the Curwen Press. As is common practice, it is backed onto linen to protect its integrity and has been sympathetically framed using non reflective glass. In this image Nash gives a dramatic sense of the conflict as British fighters seek to destroy incoming German bombers. The scene is viewed from the south coast of England looking further across the Channel to Northern France.

Nash produced four large scale war paintings for the Ministry of Information as an official War Artist. The Battle of Britain oil painting is held at the Imperial War Museum.

He served on the Western Front in the First World War and was affected by his experiences which influenced much of his later work. This led to two series of anthropomorphic depictions of aircraft steeped in a mystical quality. Nash, along with his younger brother John, was at the forefront of modernism in British art and his work is much sought after by enthusiasts and collectors.

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DimensionsWidth 42" X 29". Category Antique Pictures / Engravings / Art > Antique Lithographs Date 1940s.  1940s Antiques Material Paper Origin English Condition slight fading but all round good. Item code as1035a273 Status Sold

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Battle of Britain Original Paul Nash Lithograph Print



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