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Art Deco group by Uriano

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Art Deco group by Uriano %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
Very stylish spelter and marble group by Uriano

The marble is good condition , there is some discolouring to the silvering on the figures

H 15.5 inches
W 20 inches
D 7 inches
£475.00  UK
$603.01  USA
573.99  EU
 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 26/FEB/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
Category Busts and Figures Date 1930  1930s Antiques Material Spelter Maker Uriano Item code as197a1308 / mha002/22/40/61 Status Sold

SellerMerchant House Antiques

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Merchant House Antiques

Merchant House Antiques19 High Street
EX14 1PR

Tel : 07768 960144

Non UK callers : +44 7768 960144

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Art Deco group by Uriano
as197a1308 / mha002/22/40/61



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