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An 18th Century Netherlands Naval Oil Painting

An 18th Century Netherlands Naval Oil Painting naval  ship oil painting %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
A small 18th century netherlands naval oil painting on millboard, set in a later 19th century frame. The painting itself is very well painted and depicts a ship and crew and a small life boat with a sinking ship adjacent to it.
The painting is on millboard which has had a secondary backing applied at some stage for support. The later frame has some minor damage and cracks to the gesso but the overall condition of the painting is excellent.
Measurements of the painting out of the frame:
Height 18cm x Width 24cm

Height = 27 cm (10.6")
Width = 30.5 cm (12.0")
Depth = 4 cm (1.6")
£850.00  UK
$1073.38  USA
1030.63  EU
 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 27/FEB/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
Category Antique Pictures / Engravings / Art > Antique Oil Paintings Date 18th century   18th Century Antiques Material Oil Painting on Board Origin Flemish Item code as964a093 Status Sold

SellerYoungs Antiques

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Youngs AntiquesPrivate dealer
Near Brigg
North Lincolnshire

Tel : 07939070636

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An 18th Century Netherlands Naval Oil Painting



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