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1912 New College Oxford Sculling Rowing Oar Trophy

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1912 New College Oxford Sculling Rowing Oar Trophy
This is a genuine piece of Sporting Memorabilia, it is the Head of the River Oar dated 1912, it is painted in the Purple and Gold Racing Colours of Oxford New College Eight, the College crests and the weights and names of the crew are all there
The Oar is made in Wood with a leather rest, it is in good condition, it is 151” long and has a copper end to the spoon

The Oar is made in Wood with a leather rest
PriceDelivery to Addresses in Mainland England & Wales is included in this price Dimensions 151” long Category Sporting Antiques Date 1912  1910s Antiques Material Wood Origin English Condition Original Good Item code as284a053 / LF160 Status Sold

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1912 New College Oxford Sculling Rowing Oar Trophy
as284a053 / LF160



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