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Tarka Antiques
Tel : 07496 654980
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Private dealer
By appointment only
Devon, South West England, UK
Open: By appointment only, please ring or email with all enquiries first.

Tarka Antiques offer a wide range of items but mainly specialize in silver, ceramics and glass. We are semi retired private dealers and now trade solely on the Internet. We have many years experience and have shipped items worldwide. Viewing by appointment only
Latest Items
Caithness Whitefriars Paperweight Radiant Treasure
$289.15 €259.45
Perthshire Paperweight Caterpillar 1984
$353.4 €317.1
Caithness Paperweight Ocean Hunter
$205.62 €184.5

Perthshire Paperweight Golfer 1985

Caithness Paperweight Coronation Four Nations

Caithness Paperweight Mayfly & Flowers 1985

Silver Miniature Playing Cards Case HM 1901

Caithness Paperweight Rosebud 1979

Silver Table Snuff Box HM 1969

Silver Snuff Box HM Birmingham 1949

Bronze Medallion Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee

USA Silver Eagle Dollar 1991 Five Troy Ounce

USA Silver Eagle Dollar 1992 Five Troy Ounce

Silver Republic of Panama 20 Balboas Coin 1977

Silver Republic of Panama 20 Balboas Coin 1973

Silver Republic of Panama 20 Balboas Coin 1974

Silver Republic of Panama 20 Balboas Coin 1972

Silver Republic of Panama 20 Balboas Coin 1975

Silver Medallion Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee

Royal Anniversary Silver Medal 1947-1972

King Henry VIII Silver Commemorative Medal

Sir Christopher Wren Silver Medal 1973

Pitcairn Islands $50 Silver Proof Coin

Royal Doulton Doberman Pinscher HN2645

United States Silver Dollar Coin Collection

Royal Copenhagen Faun with Crow 2113

Georgian Silver Serving Spoon HM 1823