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P.N.V Antiques
Tel : 07532 7811 70
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Private dealer
Near Leicester
By appointment only, please ring or email with all enquiries.

Welcome to PNV Antiques...
P.N.V Antiques deals in militaria, Georgian and Victorian silver, we also have a variety of other antiques to suit all.
Latest Items
1940 Smith's MK 2 C Luminous RAF Clock
$642.8 €582
German Infantry Officers Sword
$578.52 €523.8
1920's Silver Cigarette And Vesta Case
$321.4 €291

Six Victorian John Millward Banks Apostle Spoons

Two Georgian Exeter Silver Serving Spoons

Victorian Silver Thomas Hayes Salt And Pepper Pots

Victorian Silver James Moir Jam Spoon

Victorian Silver George Unite Pepper Pot

Victorian George Unite Silver Cigarette Case

Six Victorian Daniel Todd Glasgow Silver Teaspoons

Five Georgian John Walton Silver Teaspoons

Georgian Silver PAP Boat

Six Georgian 1798 Thomas Watson Silver Teaspoons

1896 Mappin Brothers Silver Bachelor's Teapot

Victorian Perthshire Mounted Police Truncheon

Victorian 1821 Artillery Officers Sword

George V 1897 Pattern Infantry Officer Sword

Moss Brother's 1897 Pattern Infantry Officer Sword

Wilkinson 1821 Pattern Artillery Sword