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Normandie Antiquites
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Maison LemariƩ Antiquities-Brocante
Le Bourg 50140
Open: Monday to Friday and by appointment only on Saturday and Sunday.
Bedroom FurnitureChairsChestsDressersCountry / Farmhouse TablesOccasional / Side / Other TablesBookcases / SecretairesCabinetsChest of DrawersCupboardsDesks / Writing TablesDining Chairs / Chair SetsDining Tables / Dining FurnitureGames TablesWall FurnitureMiscellaneous FurnitureSofas / Settees / Salon SuitesSideboards, Credenzas, ChiffoniersStands / Hall FurnitureWardrobes
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for sale
Found 12 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 12. (109 Archived/Sold)
Small Walnut Side Table, 19th Century England
$816.45 €772.22
Louis XVI Style Mahogany Dining Buffet
$1594.63 €1508.25
Napoleon III Louis XV Style Showcase
$2037.29 €1926.94
XIXth Century Walnut Dining Room
$3189.25 €3016.5
Pair Of Armchairs In Golden Wood Regency Style
$1211.92 €1146.27
French Wardrobe / Armoire 18th Century
$15818.68 €14961.84
Oak Writing Table 17th Century Normandy
$2997.9 €2835.51
French Art Deco Butchers Block, Chopping Block
$1913.55 €1809.9
French Console 18th Century
$13394.85 €12669.3
Liner Boat Chaise Longue
$714.39 €675.7
French Commode Louis XV 18th Century
$4464.95 €4223.1
French Sofa Corbeille Lacquered Wood 18th Century
$2130.42 €2015.02