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Michael Allcroft Antiques
Tel : 01663 744014 and 07798 781642
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203 Buxton road
Disley, Nr Stockport, Cheshire SK12 2RA
Open: Thurs, Fri 11am - 5pm, Saturday,Sunday 11am - 4pm. or by appointment.
As we occasionally get called away please always ring before travelling to avoid any disappointment.
For Sale
for sale
Found 397 For Sale items, displaying 181 to 192. (410 Archived/Sold)
19th Century Oak Stool.
$141.8 €131.09
Irish Georgian Stool.
$547.87 €506.47
Smart Looking Georgian Pierced Brass Fender
$380.28 €351.55
Regency Coal Purdonium.
$451.19 €417.1
Edwardian Canvas Travelling Trunk.
$290.05 €268.13
Edwardian Vintage Canvas Travelling Trunk.
$257.82 €238.34
Gentleman's Edwardian Portmanteau Travelling Case.
$444.74 €411.14
Victorian Pitch Pine Dresser Base.
$709.01 €655.44
Georgian Oak Corner Cupboard.
$296.49 €274.09
Edwardian Leather Portmanteau Travel Bag.
$283.6 €262.17
Good Quality 19th C. Silver Rimmed Horn Beaker.
$315.83 €291.97
Pair Of 19th Century Mahogany Bedside Cabinets.
$464.08 €429.01