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French Farmhouse Furniture
Tel : 0117 9821706
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The Old Bus Depot
206 Avomouth Road
North Somerset BS11 9LP
Open: Mon - Sat 9.30 - 6pm.
Welcome to French Famhouse Furniture...
At French Farmhouse Furniture we specialise in sourcing and importing unrestored antiques. Once at our workshops in Bristol, each item is assessed and under goes a process of restoration and in some cases reupholstery.
Some of the items we specialise in are...
Louis XV & XVI beds, armoires and other bedroom furniture.
Early French country furniture such as Breton Marriage armoires, farm house tables and chairs, original gilt mirrors, commodes and there's always a good selection of many other interesting items we just cant resist for our collection!
Located in central Bristol in a converted 6000 sq feet victorian factory.
Showroom open to the public Mon - Sat 9.30 - 6pm
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