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Brighton Antiques Business
Tel : 07825524870
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Private dealer
By appointment only
East Sussex

Welcome to Brighton Antiques Business...
Good day, I have been in the business for 10 yrs and have a great interest in many items of interest including netsuke, paintings, bronzes, Art Deco. I also have a passion for Spanish antiques and furniture, please enquire.
Telephone: 07825524870
Latest Items
Tabby Cat, Prospero
$506.27 €456.94
Clarence Henry Roe (1859-1909)
$1025.36 €925.44
Triptych, Spanish, Figures Carved In Bone
$3845.1 €3470.4

Taracea cabinet set, 1900, Spanish

Westminster underground, poster, Allderidge

Michael Steinpichler, Expressionist style

Donald Bosher (1912-1977) British. A Beach Scene,

Turkish silver Bedo mirror, repousse, hand chased

Loetz vase, iridescent blue

Les Argonautes, Isabelle Ferlay, ceramic Vallauris

Geoffrey Elliott (British, 1935)

Russian Icon, George and Dragon,

Inkwell, Victorian, grotesque bird

Chinese carved stone of man and dog on his horse

Inro plus netsuke, Meiji period

Netsuke, Japanese Meiji period