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Antiques and Interiors inc English Art Deco.
Contact Patrick or Liz.
Tel: 01603 622695
Email :
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31 - 35 Elm Hill
Norfolk, England NR3 1HG
Open: Mon - Sat 10am - 5pm or by appt.

Antiques & Interiors is located in Elm Hill the charming and historic heart of old Norwich. The shop contains a wide range of antiques, ceramics, pictures and furniture with the accent on Arts & Crafts and Art Deco furniture. The are always a few choice pieces of Heals furniture in stock.
The shop is open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 5pm. Outside these hours customers are welcome at any reasonable time by appointment.
Latest Items

Heal & Son oak dressing chest circa 1905

An Arts & Crafts walnut two tier trolley

An early 20th.C oak Arts & Crafts side cabinet

A Laszlo Hoenig carved walnut antelope head

A pair of Heal's childrens Letchworth chairs

A Victorian carved walnut photo frame

An unusual Heals dressing table mirror

An Ault ceramic bowl

A framed romantic Art Deco print

A watercolour of Sherringham by Keith Johnson

An Art Deco walnut sideboard

An ebonised oak extending dining table

A French stud-work picture of a Peacock

A French poker-work picture of a pheasant

A Heal's bedroom or occasional chair

A vase in the manner of Christopher Dresser

A group of Clarice Cliff Crocus tea-ware

An oak Arts & Crafts screen

A childs chair

A copper coal scuttle

An Elton Ware tyg

A black Prinknash vase

A brass 4 arm chandilier

A Period drop leaf table