British Antique Silver Plated

Found 34 For Sale and Sold    ( 15 for sale  19 sold )  
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Pair Lion Barrel Silver Plate Champagne Coolers£1250 $1551.75   €1496.63 Pair Lion Barrel Silver Plate Champagne CoolersCheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd Mid-Century Silver Plate Candelabrum, C.1950s/60s£35 $43.45   €41.91 Mid-Century Silver Plate Candelabrum, C.1950s/60sBurnell And Rowe Silver Plate Grape Shears£86.00 $106.76   €102.97 Silver Plate Grape ShearsSunnyside Antiques Edwardian Novelty Owl Pepper Pot Silver Plated£125 $155.18   €149.66 Edwardian Novelty Owl Pepper Pot Silver PlatedPaul Watson Antiques
Silver Plated Cocktail Stick Holder£275 $341.39   €329.26 Silver Plated Cocktail Stick HolderPaul Watson Antiques Walker & Hall Coffee Pot£95.00 $117.93   €113.74 Walker & Hall Coffee PotSunnyside Antiques Silver Plate Devizes Racing Pigeon Club Trophy Cup£950 $1179.33   €1137.44 Silver Plate Devizes Racing Pigeon Club Trophy CupCheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd Mid-Century Silver Plate Sauce Boat, C.1950s-70s£18 $22.35   €21.55 Mid-Century Silver Plate Sauce Boat, C.1950s-70sBurnell And Rowe
Spirit Kettle - Silver£220.00 $273.11   €263.41 Spirit Kettle - SilverSunnyside Antiques 6 X George V Silver Plate Serving Spoons, C.1920s£45 $55.86   €53.88 6 X George V Silver Plate Serving Spoons, C.1920sBurnell And Rowe Centrepiece Lotus Leaf Bowl - Mid Century£239.00 $296.69   €286.15 Centrepiece Lotus Leaf Bowl - Mid CenturySunnyside Antiques Silver Entrée  Dish£125.00 $155.18   €149.66 Silver Entrée DishSunnyside Antiques
Arts & Crafts White Metal & Brass Champagne Cooler£285.00 $353.8   €341.23 Arts & Crafts White Metal & Brass Champagne CoolerStudio RT Ltd Asprey Three Section Cake Stand£135 $167.59   €161.64 Asprey Three Section Cake StandWinchcombe Antiques Centre 19c Small EPNS Toast Rack£28 $34.76   €33.52 19c Small EPNS Toast RackAbalone Antiques And Collectables Set Of Four Silver Plate Spirit Decanter Labels£15 $18.62   €17.96 Set Of Four Silver Plate Spirit Decanter LabelsBurnell And Rowe
Christopher Dresser Silvered Tea Service£650 $806.91   €778.25 Christopher Dresser Silvered Tea ServiceThe Two Arthurs Silver Plated Biscuit Basket  Silver Plated Biscuit BasketSunnyside Antiques Edwardian Silver Plated Cake Stand  Edwardian Silver Plated Cake StandSunnyside Antiques Pair Mid Century Stainless Steel  Champagne Buckets.£275 $341.39   €329.26 Pair Mid Century Stainless Steel Champagne Buckets.Collinge Antiques
1920s Tall Copper Wine Coaster  1920's Tall Copper Wine CoasterPrichard Antiques George Iii Style Elkington Silverplated Coffee Pot  George Iii Style Elkington Silverplated Coffee PotMansion House Antiques & Fine Art Silver Plated Claret Jug£179 $222.21   €214.32 Silver Plated Claret JugAgnes Fox Antiques Deco Lighthouse Cruet Set£95 $117.93   €113.74 Deco Lighthouse Cruet SetAgnes Fox Antiques
Silver Plated Tantalus  Silver Plated TantalusAgnes Fox Antiques Superb Silver Plated Centrepiece£545 $676.56   €652.53 Superb Silver Plated CentrepieceAgnes Fox Antiques Roll Top Bacon/breakfast Dish£295 $366.21   €353.2 Roll Top Bacon/breakfast DishAgnes Fox Antiques Silver Plated Salver Elkington And Mason£125 $155.18   €149.66 Silver Plated Salver Elkington And MasonAgnes Fox Antiques
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