Antique Silver Vanity and Jewellery Items

Welcome to the glamorous world of antique silver vanity and jewellery items at Antiques Atlas. Including silver ring holders, compacts, vanity sets, jewellery boxes, manicure sets, pin cushions, pots, shoe horns, perfume bottles, brooches, combs, cufflinks, snuff boxes, and thimbles. Perfect for collectors or anyone who wants to feel like a Victorian aristocrat!

Found 3055 For Sale and Sold    ( 524 for sale  2531 sold )  
Vintage Silver Jewellery Box, Broadway & Co, 1973£185 $239.5   €219.19 Vintage Silver Jewellery Box, Broadway & Co, 1973Burnell And Rowe Silver Arts & Crafts Jewellery Box £895 $1158.67   €1060.4 Silver Arts & Crafts Jewellery Box Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Opaline Glass & Silver Scent Bottle By Charles May£110 $142.41   €130.33 Opaline Glass & Silver Scent Bottle By Charles MayHarrington Antiques Art Deco Silver Evening Bag, Erich Kellerman, 1922£450 $582.57   €533.16 Art Deco Silver Evening Bag, Erich Kellerman, 1922Burnell And Rowe
Large Ewardian Silver Handled Button Hook, 1907£30 $38.84   €35.54 Large Ewardian Silver Handled Button Hook, 1907Burnell And Rowe Late Victorian Silver Top Ruby Scent Bottle£145 $187.72   €171.8 Late Victorian Silver Top Ruby Scent BottleGuy Ellis Antiques George V Planished Silver Box£165 $213.61   €195.49 George V Planished Silver BoxGuy Ellis Antiques Victorian Silver Trinket Box, W.J. Holmes, 1900£140 $181.24   €165.87 Victorian Silver Trinket Box, W.J. Holmes, 1900Burnell And Rowe
Art Deco Powder Bowl W/ Silver Lid, Adie Bros 1937£125 $161.83   €148.1 Art Deco Powder Bowl W/ Silver Lid, Adie Bros 1937Burnell And Rowe Silver Powder Compact & Mirror£95.00 $122.99   €112.56 Silver Powder Compact & MirrorHEB Antiques George V Engraved Silver Snuff Box£150 $194.19   €177.72 George V Engraved Silver Snuff BoxGuy Ellis Antiques William IV Silver Snuff Box£225 $291.29   €266.58 William IV Silver Snuff BoxGuy Ellis Antiques
Asprey, London - Small Sterling Silver Box - 1958£395 $511.37   €468 Asprey, London - Small Sterling Silver Box - 1958Puckerings Antiques Art Deco Silver Enamel Lidded Pot Birmingham 1932£325.00 $420.75   €385.06 Art Deco Silver Enamel Lidded Pot Birmingham 1932Woodbridge Antiques Edwardian Silver Jewellery Casket Chester 1907 £425.00 $550.21   €503.54 Edwardian Silver Jewellery Casket Chester 1907 Woodbridge Antiques Edwardian Silver Art Nouveau Box£225 $291.29   €266.58 Edwardian Silver Art Nouveau BoxGuy Ellis Antiques
A Pair Of Silver Topped Heart Shaped Vanity Jars£155.00 $200.66   €183.64 A Pair Of Silver Topped Heart Shaped Vanity JarsJeff Sims Antiques Edwardian Silver Scalloped Shaped Ring Box£195 $252.45   €231.04 Edwardian Silver Scalloped Shaped Ring BoxGuy Ellis Antiques Victorian Silver Belt Buckle, William Hutton, 1895£145 $187.72   €171.8 Victorian Silver Belt Buckle, William Hutton, 1895Burnell And Rowe George V Silver Topped Dressing Table Pot, 1919£50 $64.73   €59.24 George V Silver Topped Dressing Table Pot, 1919Burnell And Rowe
Victorian Dressing Table Pot W/ Silver Lid, 1880£60 $77.68   €71.09 Victorian Dressing Table Pot W/ Silver Lid, 1880Burnell And Rowe Blue John And Silver Pill Box£350 $453.11   €414.68 Blue John And Silver Pill BoxSelect Antiques 925 Silver Pill Or Snuff Box£55 $71.2   €65.16 925 Silver Pill Or Snuff BoxMichaels Militaria Silver Pill Or Snuff Box£45 $58.26   €53.32 Silver Pill Or Snuff BoxMichaels Militaria
925 Silver Pill / Snuff Box.£65 $84.15   €77.01 925 Silver Pill / Snuff Box.Michaels Militaria Wang Hing Snuff Box£695 $899.75   €823.44 Wang Hing Snuff BoxSelect Antiques Victorian Dressing Table Pot, William Comyns, 1900£125 $161.83   €148.1 Victorian Dressing Table Pot, William Comyns, 1900Burnell And Rowe Georgian Silver Novelty Purse Satchel Vinaigrette£275 $356.02   €325.82 Georgian Silver Novelty Purse Satchel VinaigretteThe Fancy Fox