Fireplace Decor

Found 5250 For Sale and Sold    ( 1367 for sale  3883 sold )  
A Fabulous Gilt Bronze Fire Screen French £975 $1220.99   €1170.29 A Fabulous Gilt Bronze Fire Screen French Andrew Lovatt Antiques Pr. Louis XV Bronze Chenets By Charles Casier£750.00 $939.23   €900.23 Pr. Louis XV Bronze Chenets By Charles CasierStudio RT Ltd Charming Antique Brass Hod For Coal  £395 $494.66   €474.12 Charming Antique Brass Hod For Coal Elmgarden Pair Of Antique Fireside Tool Rests, English, Fire£1195 $1496.5   €1434.36 Pair Of Antique Fireside Tool Rests, English, FireLondon Fine Antiques
Large Oak Log Bin£495 $619.89   €594.15 Large Oak Log BinFernyhough Antiques Antique George III Quality Brass And Iron Fender £695 $870.35   €834.21 Antique George III Quality Brass And Iron Fender London City Antiques Trio Of Antique Fireside Tools, English, Brass£495 $619.89   €594.15 Trio Of Antique Fireside Tools, English, BrassLondon Fine Antiques George III Copper Helmet Shaped Coal Scuttle£465 $582.32   €558.14 George III Copper Helmet Shaped Coal ScuttleLondon City Antiques
Pair Of Antique George III Brass Fire Irons £285 $356.91   €342.09 Pair Of Antique George III Brass Fire Irons London City Antiques Antique Mahogany & Brass Mechanical Bellows£395 $494.66   €474.12 Antique Mahogany & Brass Mechanical BellowsJohn Howkins Antiques A 19th Century Brass Club Fender (to Include Seat)£2400.00 $3005.52   €2880.72 A 19th Century Brass Club Fender (to Include Seat)Blank Canvas Antiques 19th Century Copper Coal Bucket £175 $219.15   €210.05 19th Century Copper Coal Bucket Elmgarden
Late 19th Century Brass Club Fender£1650.00 $2066.3   €1980.5 Late 19th Century Brass Club FenderBlank Canvas Antiques Victorian Over- Mantle£995.00 $1246.04   €1194.3 Victorian Over- MantleBrookside Antiques Antique Freestanding Rosewood Inlaid Coal Cabinet£845 $1058.19   €1014.25 Antique Freestanding Rosewood Inlaid Coal CabinetLondon City Antiques Attractive Brass Fireside Companion Set, Fireside £375 $469.61   €450.11 Attractive Brass Fireside Companion Set, Fireside Elmgarden
Heavy Quality Brass Fireside Companion Set, Horses£275 $344.38   €330.08 Heavy Quality Brass Fireside Companion Set, HorsesElmgarden Brass Helmet Coal Scuttle £195 $244.2   €234.06 Brass Helmet Coal Scuttle Elmgarden Victorian Copper Fireside Bucket£260 $325.6   €312.08 Victorian Copper Fireside BucketHawthornes Antiques Side Table - Brass And Iron Footman£695.00 $870.35   €834.21 Side Table - Brass And Iron FootmanSunnyside Antiques
19th Century Grate Set With Essex Shield Andirons£975 $1220.99   €1170.29 19th Century Grate Set With Essex Shield AndironsElmgarden Antique Helmet Scuttle, English, Brass.£495 $619.89   €594.15 Antique Helmet Scuttle, English, Brass.London Fine Antiques Brass Helmet Coal Scuttle £275 $344.38   €330.08 Brass Helmet Coal Scuttle Elmgarden Polished Steel Triple Companion Fire Tool Set£795 $995.58   €954.24 Polished Steel Triple Companion Fire Tool SetShackladys Antiques
Polished Steel Triple Companion Fire Tools£475 $594.84   €570.14 Polished Steel Triple Companion Fire ToolsShackladys Antiques Victorian Brass Fender £350 $438.31   €420.11 Victorian Brass Fender Elmgarden Georgian Copper Coal Helmet£780 $976.79   €936.23 Georgian Copper Coal HelmetChurch Street Antiques Antique Free Standing Fireplace£1875 $2348.06   €2250.56 Antique Free Standing FireplaceLondon Fine Antiques