Antique Clocks

Found 9185 For Sale and Sold    ( 1762 for sale  7423 sold )  
French Ormolu And Champleve Enamel Mantel Clock£1950 $2441.99   €2340.59 French Ormolu And Champleve Enamel Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks English Wall Clock 8"£350 $438.31   €420.11 English Wall Clock 8"Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd English Wall Clock 8"£350 $438.31   €420.11 English Wall Clock 8"Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd Small Oak Mantel Clock£525 $657.46   €630.16 Small Oak Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Mahogany Longcase Clock By Alexander Cumming, Lond£19000 $23793.7   €22805.7 Mahogany Longcase Clock By Alexander Cumming, LondCarlton Clocks Early Hook & Spike Lantern Clock£1995 $2498.34   €2394.6 Early Hook & Spike Lantern ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Large Victorian Manchester Fusee Dial Clock£895 $1120.81   €1074.27 Large Victorian Manchester Fusee Dial ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Marquetry Longcase C.1695  Marquetry Longcase C.1695The Chimes
French Marble & Ormolu Garniture Set£650 $814   €780.2 French Marble & Ormolu Garniture SetSwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors Georgian Longcase Clock By J. Woolmer Reepham£4850 $6073.66   €5821.46 Georgian Longcase Clock By J. Woolmer ReephamNimbus Antiques French Sedan Clock £365 $457.09   €438.11 French Sedan Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd English Cartel Clock £425 $532.23   €510.13 English Cartel Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd
French Decorative Wall Clock £385 $482.14   €462.12 French Decorative Wall Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd 18thC Provincial Forged Iron Chamber Clock£1200.00 $1502.76   €1440.36 18thC Provincial Forged Iron Chamber ClockDoe And Hope Quality Antique Inlaid Walnut Drop Dial Clock  Quality Antique Inlaid Walnut Drop Dial ClockDavid Wolfenden Antiques Le Roy / Drocourt One Piece Strike Repeat Alarm Ca£4700 $5885.81   €5641.41 Le Roy / Drocourt One Piece Strike Repeat Alarm CaCarlton Clocks
Mahogany Painted Face 8 Day Grandfather Clock£2250.00 $2817.68   €2700.68 Mahogany Painted Face 8 Day Grandfather ClockAthey Antiques Scottish Drumhead Grandfather Clock£2300.00 $2880.29   €2760.69 Scottish Drumhead Grandfather ClockAthey Antiques French Vineyard Clock £375 $469.61   €450.11 French Vineyard Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd Henri Jacot Gorge Case Carriage Clock £1450 $1815.84   €1740.44 Henri Jacot Gorge Case Carriage Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd
Mantel Clock By Barraud & Lunds£2950 $3694.29   €3540.89 Mantel Clock By Barraud & LundsKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Early Carriage Clock By Baschet Baullier£2450 $3068.14   €2940.74 Early Carriage Clock By Baschet BaullierKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Grand Sonnerie Carriage Clock £2750 $3443.83   €3300.83 Grand Sonnerie Carriage Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd Samuel Deacon Of Barton Longcase Clock£2795 $3500.18   €3354.84 Samuel Deacon Of Barton Longcase ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd
Victorian Miniature Longcase Clock Case. T278  Victorian Miniature Longcase Clock Case. T278Prichard Antiques Decorative 19th Century French Ormolu Mantle Clock£1200.00 $1502.76   €1440.36 Decorative 19th Century French Ormolu Mantle ClockImperial Antiques French Brass Carriage Clock £295 $369.43   €354.09 French Brass Carriage Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd Decorative Four Glass Mantel Clock £925 $1158.38   €1110.28 Decorative Four Glass Mantel Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd